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Boards of Trustees

Chairwoman Mrs. Marta Álvarez Guil

Vice-Chairwoman Mrs. Cristina Álvarez Guil


  • Mr. César Álvarez Álvarez
  • Mrs. Paloma García Peña
  • Mr. José Ramón de Hoces
  • Mr. Florencio Lasaga Munárriz
  • Mr. Arsenio de la Vega Martín de los Santos

Secretary Mr. José Ramón de Hoces




General  Management

Director                                                              Mr. Raimundo Pérez-Hernández y Torra


Scientific Council

Prof. Mr.
Emilio Bouza Santiago



Emilio Bouza Santiago, born in Villalba (Lugo province) on 22 March 1947. He obtained his Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University in 1970 and obtained a place as Resident Medical Intern at the Puerta de Hierro Clinic in Madrid, where he specialised in Internal Medicine (Professors Segovia de Arana and Juan Martínez de Letona). He was awarded a Fellowship in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology for two years (1975-1977) at the Center for the Health Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the group run by Professors Hewitt, Finegold and Meyer, with the help of Fulbright and Del Amo Scholarships.

On his return to Spain in 1977, he founded the Infectious Diseases Unit in the Department of Microbiology (Dr. Fernando Baquero) at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid. In 1982 he was the Founder and subsequent President of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology. He obtained his doctorate at the Complutense University with a thesis entitled Legionnaire's Disease in Spain, under the tutelage of Professor José María Segovia de Arana.

In 1984 he rose to become Professor-Head of Department for Microbiology at the Gregorio Marañón General Teaching Hospital and subsequently Professor of Microbiology at the Department of Medicine at the Complutense University Faculty of Medicine, linked to his medical position.

He founded the AIDS Study Group (GESIDA) of the Spanish Society for Infectious Diseases and is presently the national coordinator for Support Groups for the Handling of Infectious Endocarditis.

He has been General Secretary of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and Founder of the European Study Group for Nosocomial Infections and European coordinator of ESGNI studies.

He was elected Foreign Fellow Member of the Infectious Disease Society of America and forms part of the Editorial Board for its publication Clinical Infectious Diseases.

For successive periods of 4 years he has been editor of the following scientific publications: Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Spanish Clinical Review (both in Spanish) and Clinical Microbiology and Infection.

Prof. Mr. José María Medina
Prof. Mr.
José María Medina Jiménez

Deputy Chairman


Born in Ronda (Malaga), on 3 September 1944. Doctor in Pharmacy with an Extraordinary Award. Pharmacist Specialising in Clinical Biochemistry. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Salamanca. He has been Director of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Madrid Autonomous University, Director of the "Severo Ochoa" Institute of Molecular Biology (CSIC-UAM) and Director of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Salamanca. Beneficiary of British Council, Gulbenkian Foundation, FEBS Youth Fund and Ministry of Education and Science scholarships. Worked in the laboratory of Professor Sir Hans Krebs, Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, in Oxford (England). Short stays at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zurich and at the University of Louvain (1979). Director of 29 Doctoral Theses (12 Extraordinary Prizes) and 43 Degree Works. Author of 115 articles, 42 books and research papers and 32 Reviews and Proceeding. Senior Fellow of the Royal Academy of Spanish Doctors. Senior Fellow of the Salamanca Royal Academy of Medicine. Senior Fellow of the Castilla y León Academy of Pharmacy. Corresponding Member of the Mexican National Academy of Medicine. He has been awarded the Reina Sofía Prize for Research into the Prevention of Deficiencies, a Scientific Career Award from the Danone Institute, and the "María de Maeztu" Prize for Scientific Excellence.

Prof. D. Manuel Aguilar Benítez de Lugo
Prof. Mr.
Manuel Aguilar
Benítez de Lugo



Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1965). Doctor en Ciencias Físicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1969). Desde 1967 ha realizado estancias de larga duración (> 3 meses), que totalizan más de 12 años, en el Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN, Ginebra, Suiza), el Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven (BNL, New York, EEUU) y el Collège de France (París, Francia) y numerosas estancias de corta y media duración en el CERN, el Laboratorio del Sincrotrón de Electrones Alemán (DESY, Hamburgo, Alemania), el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT, Boston. EEUU), el Centro Espacial Kennedy (KSC, Cape Canaveral, EEUU) y el Centro Espacial Johnson (JSC, Houston, EEUU).

Ha participado en experimentos de Física de Altas Energías con cámaras de burbujas en los aceleradores PS y SPS del CERN y AGS de BNL (1967-1990), en el detector L3 del LEP-CERN (1989-2000), y ha formado parte del equipo del CIEMAT que ha construido el detector CMS para el acelerador LHC del CERN, que entró en funcionamiento en 2009 y que en julio de 2012 anunció el descubrimiento del bosón de Higgs. Desde 1997, y hasta 2013, ha dirigido la participación del CIEMAT en el experimento AMS (Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer) para la Estación Espacial Internacional, que en abril de 2013 anunció el descubrimiento de un exceso de positrones cósmicos.

Asociado a la JEN-CIEMAT desde 1965. En 1983 fue nombrado Jefe de la Unidad de Física de Partículas y en 1998 Director del Departamento de Fusión y Física de Partículas Elementales que, en 2004, pasó a denominarse Departamento de Investigación Básica. En octubre de 2012 cesó como Director de este Departamento para trasladarse al CERN como Guest Professor del Director General. Desde octubre de 2013 es Unpaid Scientific Associate del MIT.

Miembro del Particle Data Group (PDG) y uno de los responsables de la edición del Review of Particle Physics y el Particle Physics Booklet (1981-2005). Delegado español en el European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) (1983-1986). Miembro del Super Proton-Synchrotron Experiments Committee (SPSLC) del CERN (1987-198). Miembro del Comité Redactor del Plan Movilizador de Física de Altas Energías (1983). Gestor del Programa Nacional de Física de Altas Energías (1996-2000). Delegado científico de España en el Consejo del CERN (2000-2008). Vicepresidente del Consejo del CERN (2004-2007). Miembro del Comité Asesor de Grandes Instalaciones Científicas (CAGIC) y del Comité Asesor de Instalaciones Singulares (CAIS) (2001-2008). Miembro de diversos Comités asesores para la evaluación de programas de investigación y para la organización de conferencias internacionales. Fundador en 1973, y organizador de múltiples ediciones, del International Meeting on Fundamental Physics. Promotor en 1994 y primer Presidente del Grupo Especializado de Física de Altas Energías de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Miembro del High Energy Particle Physics Board de la European Physical Society (1998-2000). Miembro del Comité de IUPAP C11 (Particles and Fields) (2005-2011). Co-Presidente del Local Organizing Committee de la 37 International Conference on High Energy Physics ICHEP 2014 que se celebró en Valencia en julio de 2014.

Premio Nacional de la Real Sociedad para investigadores noveles (1973). Becario de la Fundación Juan March (1977-1978). Premio Nacional de la Real Academia de Ciencias (1980). Medalla de la Real Sociedad (1981). Científico del Año de la revista CAMBIO 16 (1986). Premio C.E.O.E. a las Ciencias (1997). Científico español más citado desde 1981 según el Institute of Scientific Information (ISI). Único investigador español, trabajando en una institución española, que figura en la lista de los 100 científicos más citados en el mundo en la categoría de Ciencias Físicas según el Institute of Scientific Information (2001).

Ha publicado más de 700 artículos científicos en revistas especializadas y presentado numerosas comunicaciones en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Ha dado más de 200 conferencias y seminarios en centros de investigación y departamentos universitarios. Ha dirigido una docena de tesis doctorales y de licenciatura.

El 28 de junio de 2000 fue nombrado Académico Numerario de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. El 3 de abril de 2002 leyó el discurso de ingreso “Partículas e Interacciones”. El 30 de octubre de 2003 leyó en la Real Academia de Ciencias la Lección Inaugural del Año Académico 2013-2014 “De Hess a Higgs. De la ionización espontánea del aire a la rotura espontánea de la simetría en física subatómica”. Desde octubre de 2014 es Presidente de la Sección de Ciencias Físicas y Químicas de la Real Academia de Ciencias.

Prof. Mr.



Dr. Barbacid is Professor AXA-CNIO of Molecular Oncology and head of the Experimental Oncology group at the National Centre for Oncological Research (CNIO), a centre he founded in 1998 and of which he was Director until June 2011.

Dr. Barbacid studied Chemical Sciences (speciality in Biochemistry) at Madrid Complutense University. He obtained his doctorate at the same University in 1974 after reading his doctoral thesis at the Institute of Cellular Biology at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). That same year he joined the USA National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Maryland) where he carried out his post-doctoral training until 1977.

In 1978 he formed his own research group focusing on the characterisation of animal retroviruses. In the spring of 1982, Dr. Barbacid's group managed to isolate for the first time a mutated human gene capable of causing cancer (oncogene) and demonstrated that it was a mutated version of the H-Ras gene, previously identified in certain strains of rodent retrovirus. These discoveries, carried out independently in another two research groups, opened up a new field in Molecular Oncology and were used to establish the molecular bases of cancer in humans. Other notable discoveries include the identification of the family of tyrosine kinase (Trk) receptors and their role as receptors of neurotrophins, a group of growth factors essential for the survival of neurones. More recently, his studies have demonstrated that the cell cycle in mammals is conceptually similar to that of yeasts and that the interphase CDKs are only essential in certain cell types, thus opening up the possibility of their use as therapeutic targets.

He worked in the pharmaceutical industry for ten years (1988-1998), and in 1995 became Vice-President of the Oncology area. During the period 1995-98, Dr. Barbacid introduced the development of selective inhibitors against molecular targets, and was responsible for the generation of Farnesyl Transferase inhibitors and CDKs.

He has been awarded numerous prizes and distinctions, notable amongst which are the King Juan Carlos Prize (Madrid, 1984), the Rhodes Memorial Award from the American Association for Cancer Research (USA 1985), the Josef Steiner Award (Switzerland, 1988), the Ipsen Neuronal Plasticity Award (Vienna, 1994), the Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher Cancer Prize (Switzerland 2005) and the Medal of Honour from the International Cancer Agency of the World Health Organization (France, 2007). He is also a member of EMBO and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Menéndez y Pelayo International University and the University of Cantabria.

He is the author of 257 scientific publications, of which 187 are original research works, 24 invited reviews; the remainder are chapters in books. Dr. Barbacid currently has an h-index ("Hirsch Factor") of 94.

Prof. Mr.
Avelino Corma



Born in Moncofa (Castellón). He studied Chemistry at the University of Valencia (1967-1973) and obtained his doctorate at Madrid Complutense University in 1976. He worked under the guidance of Professor Antonio Cortés Arroyo at the Catalysis and Petrochemical Institute (CSIC). After two years of studies in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Queen's University in Canada, he joined the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) as a researcher in 1979. In 1987 he became Research Professor at the CSIC. Since 1990 he has been professor at the Institute of Chemical Technology, a Joint Centre involving CSIC and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He works on molecular design of catalysts and sustainable catalytic processes in the fields of hydrocarbon refining and biomass derivatives, and fine chemistry.

He has published more than 700 articles in international reviews, and has written three books and a number of revisions.

He is the author of more than 100 patents, 10 of them in commercial operation.

He is a member of Spain's Royal Academy of Engineering, of the European Academy, of the Spanish Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, and of the National Academy of Engineering (USA). He also sits on the Management Committee of the most important reviews in the field of catalysis.

He has been awarded the Dupont prize (1995), the "Leonardo Torres Quevedo" National Technology Award (1995), Iberdrola Research Prize for Chemistry (1998), G. Ciapetta Prize, Houdry and Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis from the North American Catalyst Society, "King Jaume I" Prize for New Technologies, "François Gault" Prize from the European Catalysis Society (1998), "King Jaume I" Prize for New Technologies (2000), "François Gault" European Prize for Catalysis (2001), Breck Award from the International Zeolite Association (2004), Gold Medal from the Spanish Royal Society for Chemistry (2005), the Mexico National Science and Technology Prize (2006), G.A. Somorjai Award from the American Chemical Society (2008), Prize Boudart Award for Advanced Catalysis (2009), A. V. Humbold Research Award Prize (2009), Eni Award (2010), Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Prize (2010) and the Rhodia Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Prize for Science and Industry (2010) and the Gold Medal from the CHEMISTRY and SOCIETY Forum for his Career in Chemical Research 2001-2010.

He was invested "Doctor Honoris Causa" by the University of Utrecht in 2006, the UNED (2008), Technique Universität München (2008), the Jaime I University in Castellón (2008), University of Valencia (2009), University of Böchum (2010) and the University of Alicante (2010).

He is a recipient of the Spanish Order of Civil Merit (2002).

Prof. Mrs.
María Vallet



Doctora en Ciencias Químicas. Catedrática en la Universidad Complutense y líder del grupo de Biomateriales Inteligentes (GIBI), integrado en el CIBER-BBN y en el Instituto de Investigación i+12. Académica de las Reales Academias de Ingeniería (RAI) y Nacional de Farmacia (RANF) y Fellow de Biomaterials Scienceand Engineering (FBSE) y del American Institute forMedical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).

Pionera en el campo de los materiales cerámicos mesoporosos con aplicación en biomedicina. Su trabajo descubrió, por vez primera, las aplicaciones biomédicas potenciales de estos materiales, particularmente en el campo de la regeneración ósea y sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos. Es autora de más de 750 artículos científicos, 14 libros, 40 capítulos de libro y 13 patentes. Su índice h es 110, ha sido citada más de 53.300 veces y pertenece a la lista “Highly Cited Researcher 2018” (Clarivate Analytics). Maria Vallet, primera científica española según PLOS Biology y una de las tres únicas mujeres en el ranking de los 100 investigadores españoles con índice h más alto en cualquier área de conocimiento, encabezando la lista del ranking de las 466 más importantes investigadoras, de entre 785 analizadas, residentes en España ordenadas por su índice fh medio (fhm).

Ha recibido varios premios nacionales e internacionales, entre ellos el Jaume I 2018 en Investigación Básica, el Premio Nacional de Investigación 2008, el Premio Franco-Español 2000 de la Societé Française de Chimie, Premio RSEQ 2008 en Química Inorgánica, Premio FEIQUE de Investigación 2011, Medalla de Oro de la RSEQ 2011, IUPAC 2013 Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Premio de Investigación Miguel Catalán 2013, Lilly Distinguished Career Award in Chemistry 2016, Premio Julio Peláez a Pioneras de las Ciencias Físicas, Químicas y Matemáticas de la Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno 2017 y premio de la primera edición del Margarita Salas a la carrera científica de la Comunidad de Madrid 2021. Doctora Honoris Causa por las Universidades del País Vasco y Jaume I, Rovira y Virgili y Murcia.

Social Sciences Council

Prof Mr.
Jaime Terceiro Lomba



Engineer and Doctor in Aeronautical Engineering with extraordinary prize, Degree in Economic Sciences with extraordinary prize. Associate Professor (1978), Assistant Professor (1978) and Professor (1980) in Econometrics and Statistical Methods at the Complutense University Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. First Vice-Rector of the Complutense University (1980-1981). Diplom Ingenieur at Messerschmitt-Bölkow- Blohm (MBB) (1970-1974). General Director of Expansion and General Director of Planning and Investment at the Spanish Mortgage Bank ("Banco Hipotecario") (1981-1983). Executive President of Caja de Madrid savings bank and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Caja de Madrid Foundation (1988-1996). Member of the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea. Professor of Fundamental Economic Analysis at the Complutense University Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences (1996). Independent adviser to a number of companies, both stock market quoted and non-quoted, and member of the Board of Trustees of various Foundations.

Augusto Delkader Teig

Deputy Chairman


Currently the president of PRISA Radio and of Cadena SER, he was born in Cádiz on 31-1-1950. He studied Law and Journalism and continued his studies in England and the USA. In 1985, he was a fellow of the first Spanish promotion of interns for leadership training run by the German Marshall Fund in the United States.

His professional activity has been focussed on communication companies; as a journalist to begin with and subsequently in management areas. After directing the DIARIO DE CÁDIZ newspaper at the age of 26, he joined the EL PAÍS founding team to launch it and consolidate it as the leading newspaper in the Spanish press. As Managing Editor and Assistant Editor, he directed the newspaper's editorial department for thirteen years.

Since 2010 he has been the president of PRISA Radio and of Cadena SER, where he has held various positions of responsibility. First he was director of News Services, before being appointed general director of Cadena SER, where he was responsible for the four programming schedules broadcast at the time by the radio station. In December 1998 he was appointed CEO of Cadena SER and UNION Radio, a company grouping together all the Radio and Music activities of the PRISA group in Spain and America, achieving the expansion in twelve countries on the American continent and consolidating the company's position as world leader in Spanish-language broadcasting, with more than 1300 radio stations.

On 4 May 1993, he was appointed chairman of the Board of Trustees of Cádiz University. On 12 May 1997, he was re-elected as chairman of the Board of Trustees by the Governing Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia, a position he held until May 2005.

Married with three children, Augusto Delkader has been awarded the Andalusia Gold Medal and is a Favourite Son of Cádiz.

Prof. Mrs.
María Emilia Casas Baamonde




Catedrática de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Consejera electiva de Estado (noviembre de 2018).

Nombrada Magistrada del Tribunal Constitucional en 1998.

Primera mujer presidenta del Tribunal Constitucional entre 2004 y 2011. Durante su Presidencia el Tribunal Constitucional consolidó la tutela antidiscriminatoria por razón de género en sus múltiples vertientes y reforzó la protección de las trabajadoras embarazadas, a la vez que atribuyó dimensión constitucional a todas aquellas medidas tendentes a facilitar la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar de los trabajadores. Igualmente, fijaron límites insuperables basados en la dignidad de la persona y en el libre desarrollo de la personalidad o a la capacidad empresarial de controlar por el empresario del tiempo libre del trabajador.

Ha impartido clases en diversos programas de postgrado y máster, así como de cursos de especialización en distintas Universidades españolas y extranjeras.

Miembro de la Comisión Gestora y Vicerrectora de Relaciones Internacionales e Institucionales de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Ha formado parte del Consejo del Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Políticas y del de Derechos Humanos Bartolomé de las Casas.

Ha sido directora Académica del Instituto Europeo de Relaciones Industriales de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

A petición del Gobierno, formó parte del grupo de expertos en normativa laboral encargados de elaborar la ley reguladora del trabajo a tiempo parcial estable.

Ha formado parte de diversos grupos de expertos de alto nivel de la Unión Europea.

Es autora de numerosas publicaciones y ensayos sobre materias de su especialidad.

Es directora de la Revista Relaciones Laborales.

Entre otros reconocimientos:

Doctora honoris causa por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 27 de enero de 2012 (acuerdo unánime de su Consejo de Gobierno de 1 de diciembre de 2011).
Gran Cruz de la Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort. (RD 969/2013, de 5 de diciembre; BOE 6 de diciembre de 2013).
Medalla de la Orden del Mérito Constitucional (RD 94/2011, de 21 de enero; BOE 22 de enero de 2011).
Gran Cruz de la Real y Distinguida Orden Española de Carlos III. (RD 515/2011, de 8 de abril; BOE 9 de abril de 2011).
“XII Premio Pelayo para Juristas de Reconocido Prestigio” (2006).
Premio Extraordinario de Honor por toda una trayectoria de dedicación y prestigio en el ámbito jurídico-laboral, otorgado por la Asociación Nacional de Abogados Laboralistas (2007).
Socia de Honor y Medalla de Oro de la Asociación Nacional de Abogados Laboralistas (2008).

Prof. Mr.
José García Montalvo



IVIE Research Professor and Professor of the Economics and Business department of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Graduate in Economic Sciences from the University of Valencia (1987). Extraordinary degree prize (University of Valencia) and First National End of Course Prize (1988). Doctor in Economics from the University of Harvard (1993). Consultant to the World Bank, the OECD and the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). His publications include eleven books and more than 90 scientific articles in various reviews such as the American Economic Review, Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Economics Letters, Applied Psychology, Journal of Economic Growth, International Journal of Industrial Organization, European Journal of Education and the International Journal of Transport Economics, amongst others.

He is currently vice-rector of Scientific Policy at the UPF. His current lines of research include, notably, household economics, the employment market for young people and conflict.

Prof. D. Miguel Jerez Méndez
Prof. Mr.
Miguel Jerez Méndez



Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid since 1985, where he teaches Econometrics and Mathematical Programming. He is currently Full Professor in the Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics.

His line of research consists in applying state space methods to solve complex problems in time series Econometrics, such as likelihood computation, interpolation of missing values or time series decomposition. He has published several research papers and monographs. In 2016 CRC / Chapman-Hall published a book entitled "State-Space Methods for Time Series Analysis: Theory, Applications and Software", which collects and provides context to the results obtained in this line of research.

He has done many consulting projects for public and private institutions. From 1990 to 1996 he also was Chief of Staff of the CEO of Caja de Madrid, as well as Executive VP in charge of Organization, Studies and Strategic Marketing.

In October 2018 was appointed member of the Social Sciences Advisory Board of Fundación Ramón Areces.

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