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Research centres : Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL). CSIC-UAM.

Gloria Fernández Lorente

  • Graduate in Chemistry, the Universidad Complutense, Madrid
  • Doctor in Chemistry, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Ramón y Cajal program investigator in the Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CSIC-UAM)
  • Post-doctoral visit to the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Faculty of the University of Pavía (Milan)
  • Professor of the Doctorate course "New Tendencies in Food Biotechnology" of the Doctorate Food Science and Technology program of the UAM
  • Professor of the postgraduate course "Sustainable chemical processes using enzymes as catalysts" of the Postgraduate and Specialisation program of the CSIC
  • Main lines of research: enzymatic food biotechnology. Obtaining and characterising enzymes to improve food quality
  • 9 research contracts with companies, 4 as Head researcher
  • 12 competitive financed research projects, 1 as Head researcher
  • 96 scientific papers in national and international journals
  • 11 chapters in books
  • 20 papers and conferences as guest speaker in national and international meetings
  • 8 registered patents, 3 not registered
  • Direction of one Doctoral thesis, 2 Master's degree final projects and 1 Advanced Studies Diploma

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