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Research centres : Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada de la Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona)

José Ángel Martínez-Climent

He gained the qualification of Specialist Doctor in Paediatric Haematological Oncology as an intern in Hospital La Fe, Valencia, in 1992. He then made a post-doctoral visit to the University of Chicago under Janet D. Rowley, working on the genetic characterisation of leukaemia to obtain the qualification of Doctor of Medicine in 1996.

On his return he worked as Assistant Doctor in the Departamento de Hematología y Oncología del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia, where he founded the cancer haematology cytogenetics laboratory (1996-2004).

In 2001 he made a long visit to the University of California in San Francisco (UCSF), working with Daniel Pinkel on the genomic study of lymphomas. In 2004 as a Ramón y Cajal investigator he joined the Oncology Department of the Applied Medicine Research Centre (CIMA) of the University of Navarre in Pamplona, where he is now a Senior Investigator and Tenured Professor of Medicine.

His line of research centres on studying the functional biology of leukaemia, lymphomas and myelomas in murine experimental models, with the aim of developing new targeted therapies. He has published83 papers in scientific journals, 20 as the first signer and 23 as the senior author, and he has directed 11 doctoral theses.

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