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Research centres : Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biociencias (CIC bioGUNE) (Vizcaya)

Juan Manuel Falcón Pérez

Head of the exosome laboratory in the metabolomic unit of CIC bioGUNE, and head of the metabolomic platform of the centre. His training as a biochemist, molecular and cellular biologist has enabled him to research centring on the study of the molecular bases of different diseases, such as Cystic Fibrosis, congenital erythropoietic porphyria and the Walker-Warburg and Hermansky-Pudlak syndromes. In recent years he has focused on the study of exosomes at molecular and functional levels, together with the application of metabolomics to different fields.

His papers have been published in biochemistry and cellular biology journals such as Nature Communication, J. Cell Science, Molecular Biology of the Cell, J. Biological Chemistry, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., J. Proteomics, J. Proteome Research and PLoS Biology. Dr. Falcón-Pérez has been a member of the Ramón y Cajal program, and is currently Ikerbasque Research Professorin the CIC bioGUNE centre. He is also a founding member of the Sociedad Internacional de Vesículas Extracelulares (ISEV), of the Asociación Española para la Innovación e Investigación en Vesículas Extracelulares (GEIVEX)and the organising committee of the ME-HAD European network (Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease).

Scientific production

  • Article published in Journals: 1
  • Communications in national congresses: 1
  • Communications in international congresses: 2

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