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Ana Cristina Soria Monzón
A Ramón y Cajal researcher at the General Organic Chemistry Institute. CSIC. Her recent work has focused on five aspects:
- The development and validation of fast, effective and environmentally-friendly extraction methodologies based on PLE, UAE and MAE techniques
- The development and application of advanced methods, mainly using chromatographic techniques and their mass spectrometry attachments (GC-MS, LC-MSn and GC×GC-TOF MS), for complex mixture analysis of bioactive compounds
- Subsequent analysis of improving methods for fractionation by SPME, P&T, DTD, etc. and posterior analysis by GC-MS of volatile compounds in foods and plants
- The application of strategies -omics technologies for rapid and non-weighted classification of diverse samples (foods, urines, etc.) in accordance with different objectives
- Use of chemometric techniques for the analysis of findings obtained in (1) to (4), and for the resolution of different analytical and poorly addressed problems (improvement of precision, recovery studies, statistical validation of the presence of chemotypes in plants, etc.).
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