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Carmen Espinós Armero
Dr. Espinós graduated in Biological Sciences (Universitat de València) in 1993. She started her scientific work in Human Genetics while writing her doctoral thesis, which she presented in 1998. Since then she has taken part in projects connected with the genetic bases of retinopathies, congenital coagulation pathologies, metabolic diseases and peripheral neuropathologies.
Since 2009 she is the Miguel Servet researcher in the Centro de Investigacion Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras (CIBERER).She is the author of many publications on the genetic bases of rare diseases in major international journals. Certified in Human Genetics by the Asociación Española de Genética Humana, she is a scientific advisor to the Servicio de Genómica y Genética Traslacional del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF) and associate professor of the Department of Genetics in the Universitat de València.
Since 2012 Dr. Espinós has headed the Unidad de Genética y Genómica de Enfermedades Neuromusculares del Programa de Enfermedades Raras y Genéticas in the CIPF, where the main lines of research include the characterisation of new genes and new mutations involved in hereditary peripheral neuropathies, together with the study of the underlying disease mechanisms in this group of disorders.
Scientific production
- Article published in Journals: 1
- Communications in national congresses: 1
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