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Emilio Herrera Castillón
Current position
Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Pharmacy Faculty, San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid
Graduate and Doctor in Pharmacy, Complutense University, Madrid, and holder of an Honorary Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Lund (Sweden).
Research and academic activities
- Postdoctoral stay in the USA, 3 years
- Scientific Researcher at the CSIC
- Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Biology Faculty of the University of Barcelona, of Medicine in the University of Alcalá de Henares, and of Pharmacy and Medicine in San Pablo-CEU University
- Director of the Department of Research, and Research Co-ordinator in Ramón y Cajal Hospital, Madrid.
Most important prizes
- Prize for a Scientific Career, from the Danone Institute (Spain)
- Ángel Herrera Research prize, San Pablo-CEU Foundation
- The Jorgen Pedersen Medal, from the European Association of Diabetes (DPSG)
- The Norbert Freinkel Lecture Award, American Diabetes Association; John Stowers Research Award, from the Diabetic Pregnancy Study Group (European Association for the Study of Diabetes).
Scientific production
- Scientific publications: 413, of which 258 are in journals with "impact factor" (IF). [IF total (JCR-2010): 794.20, and number of citations: 5454]
- 82 chapters in books
- Editor of 8 books
- Presentations to scientific conferences: 661
- Doctoral theses directed: 49
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