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Research centres : Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona. CSIC.

Enrique Martín Blanco

Born in Madrid on 23 January 1958, he graduated in Biology from the Universidad Complutense and was awarded a doctorate in this discipline in 1986. In 1988 he went to the University of California San Francisco, with Tom Kornberg, financed by the CSIC, the Fulbright Commission and the Gordon Tomkins Fund, to research the Engrailed homeodomain at a molecular and biochemical level. He returned to Spain in 1991, to the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa to work with Antonio García-Bellido on bilateral symmetry in Drosophila with a Rejoining contract.

In 1993 he moved to the University of Cambridge where he worked with Alfonso Martínez-Arias, financed by the Wellcome Trust, a Marie Curie Fellowship and the Newton Trust. There he analysed the role of the JNK signalling cascade in the control of morphogenetic processes. He returned to Spain in 1998, to the CBMSO, and after 2001 he joined the Instituto de Biología Molecular, Barcelona as a Tenured Scientist of the CSIC where, in 2005, he progressed to become a Scientific Investigator. His interest centres on analysis of morphogenetic processes in Drosophila and Zebra fish. He has coordinated European Union projects and has co-organised European congresses on Drosophila and Zebra fish.

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