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Research centres : Instituto de Investigación Hospital 2 de Octubre. Madrid.

Eva María Carro Díaz


  • 1991 Degree in Biology. Univ. of Santiago de Compostela. 1993.
  • 1992 Overall Degree Exam. Univ. of Santiago de Compostela. 1993.
  • 1993 Master's Degree in Ecological Management from the Ecological Research Institute. 420 teaching hours. Mark: Excellent. 1994.
  • 1994 Master's degree in Ecological Education from the Ecological Research Institute. 500 teaching hours. Mark: Excellent. 1997.
  • 1995 Master's degree in R&D+I Management and Direction in Health Sciences. King Charles III Research Institute. UNED. Univ. of Alcalá. 2011.

Current position

  • Researcher (I3SNS Programme).
  • Head of the Neuroscience Group.
  • "12 de Octubre" Hospital Research Institute and CIBER for Neurodegenerative Diseases.


More than 40 papers published in the past 10 years in international journals, including Nature Medicine, Biomaterials, Neurobiology of Aging, Neurobiology of Diseases, Acta Neuropathologica, Journal of Alzheimer Disease…

Research projects

More than 10 research projects directed in the past 10 years and financed by public (King Charles III Health Institute) as well as private institutions.


  • "The chemical composition of IGF‑I for the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases". Application nº P200200491 Date: 2005
  • "Animal model for neurodegenerative diseases: procedure for obtaining them and applications" Application nº P200401946 Date: 2006
  • "A non-human animal Alzheimer's disease model and uses thereof" Application nº PCT/EP2005/013022 Date: 2007
  • "The use of microparticles that include genetically modified cells in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases" Application nº P200802217

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