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Research centres : Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER) (Sevilla)

Felipe Cortés Ledesma

Scientific track record

  • Doctoral thesis (Sep. 2000 - Dec. 2006). Genetics Department, University of Seville. Prof. Andrés Aguilera López. Repair of breaks in the double chain by homologous recombination with the chromatic sister
  • Postdoctoral researcher (Jan. 2007 - Jul. 2010). Genome Damage and Stability Centre (GDSC), University of Sussex (UK). Prof. Keith W. Caldecott
  • DNA breaks and topoisomerase
  • Head researcher (from Jul. 2010). CABIMER, University of Seville - CSIC
  • DNA breakage and its pathological implications

Publication highlights

  • Álvarez-Quilón et al. (2014) ATM specifically mediates repair of double-strand breaks with blocked DNA ends. Nature Communications 5:3347
  • Gómez-Herreros et al. (2014) TDP2 protects transcription from abortive Topoisomerase 2 activity and maintains normal neural function. Nature Genetics 46:516
  • Gómez-Herreros et al. (2013) TDP2-dependent non-homologous end-joining protects against topoisomerase II-induced DNA breaks and genome instability in cells and in vivo. PLoS Genetics 9:e1003370
  • Cortés-Ledesma et al. (2009) A novel human 5'-thyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase that repairs topoisomerase-mediated DNA damage. Nature 461:674-678


  • EMBO Young Investigator 2014
  • Young Researcher Prize, Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SEBBM) 2014

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