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Big Data and climate change

Life and Matter Sciences Session February 29 and March 1, 2016 Madrid

General information

Venue: Salón de Actos Fundación Ramón Areces c/ Vitruvio, 5. 28006 Madrid

  • Free assistance
  • Limited capacity

Organized by:

Fundación Ramón Areces


Julio Cerezo GilarranzICT consultant

  • Description
  • Programme

By its nature, Climate is one of the scientific areas best suited to investigations based on Big Data and cloud computing. By volume, speed and variability of the data generated, linked to climate science have in the Big Data an appropriate tool to meet the enormous challenges of modelling and monitoring the phenomenon of climate change. The Big Data provides answers in different fields related to climate change. Weather forecasts and climate models, the relationship between climate change and food production, the effects on the economy or the prevention of phenomena and natural disasters (floods, earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc.) are some of the research areas supported in the implementation of Big Data and promoted by states and international organizations such as the UN or the European Union.

Firstly thanks to the data, it has been possible to identify evidence of change in meteorological records, dates of flowering of different plants and crops or migration of birds and other animals. But Big Data tools are not only useful in providing information and data for the characterization of change. The Big Data and new computer tools have driven everything related to the generation of climate models. Models used to study the dynamics of weather and climate system to projections of future climate.

Monday, 29


Welcome and Introduction

Raimundo Pérez-Hernández y Torra
Director, Fundación Ramón Areces.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza
President, Scientific Council. Fundación Ramón Areces. Spain.

Julio Cerezo
Coordinator of the Meeting.

First session


Big Data projects and initiatives on climate change

Miguel Luengo-Oroz
Chief data scientist UN Global Pulse. 


Big Data, the study of climate change and air quality

Francisco J. Doblas Reyes
Director, Department of Earth Sciences. Barcelona Supercomputing Center.



Data and Social Networks on disaster management

David Pastor Escuredo
Coordinator of the program itdDATA, itdUPM.

Round table



Second session


Climate change scenarios in Spain and Europe. The future climate based on the analysis of data

Fernando Belda
Director, Production and Infrastructure. AEMET.

Juan Garcés de Marcilla
Director of Copernicus Services Department at ECMWF.

Ángel López Alos
C3S Climate Data Store. 

Tuesday, 1

Third session: Economy, climate and data


José García Montalvo
Social Sciences Council. Fundación Ramón Areces.

The new climate economy

Graham Floater
London School of Economics.


Big Data and econometric models of climate change

Jesús Gonzalo
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.




Climate, economy and sustainability

Teresa Ribera
Directora del Instituto de Desarrollo Sostenible y Relaciones Internacionales (IDDRI).

Round table

José García Montalvo
Graham Floater
Teresa Ribera
Jesús Gonzalo

Close of meeting
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