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New Insights in Cancer Discovery 2022
Life and Matter Sciences International Symposium Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 8 March 2022, 10:00 hours Madrid
General information:
Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces - salón de actos. Calle Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid.
Organized with Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) and Instituto Weizmann de Ciencias
Free admission. Necessary previous online registration. Limited capacity.
Rafael Fernández-Leiro: "Caught in the act. Visualising the elusive mismatch repair machinery by cryoEM"
Juan Méndez: "DNA damage tolerance based on re-priming: mechanisms and implications for cancer therapy"
Felipe Cortés: "DNA supercoiling and topoisomerases in genome organization and transcriptional control"
Tamar Geiger: "Proteomic analysis of cancer internal heterogeneity"
Ofer Shoshani: "Order from Chaos: Chromosome Catastrophes Drive Cancer Evolution"
Geoff MacIntyre: "A pan-cancer compendium of chromosomal instability"
María Casanova: "Myeloid cells, innate immune sensors in tumor initiation"
Moshe Oren: "Some p53 mutations are more equal than others"
- Description
- Programme
Despite all the outstanding advances in therapy, diagnostics and prevention that have taken place during the last few decades, cancer remains as one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The only way to make effective progress towards satisfying this unmet medical need, providing new hopes to patients and their families, is through the intensification of research activities that may provide new hints on the mechanisms behind cancer initiation and progression, which can then be translated into new approaches to develop effective treatments and diagnostic tools.
This CNIO – Weizmann Institute of Science 3rd Joint Symposium will bring together a number of international experts from the CNIO and the Weizmann Institute of Science working in diverse fields related to cancer research, to share the latest results from their laboratories. The participants will cover a broad diversity of topics which are considered to be key to improve our understanding of the intimate mechanisms driving cancer.
Thus, this symposium will focus particularly in diverse aspects related to genome and chromosome instability and its relation with cancer, the importance of the tumor microenvironment and the interactions between the tumor and its host, the analysis of tumor heterogeneity, the relevance of mutations in key tumor suppressors, or the role of the innate immune system in tumor detection.
Monday, 7 March
9:30 h.
Attendees check-in
10:00 h.
Opening Remarks
Raimundo Pérez-Hernández y Torra
Director Fundación Ramón Areces.
Emilio Bouza
Chairman of Fundación Ramón Areces Scientific Committee.
María Blasco
Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO).
Moshe Oren
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
10:30 h.
DNA damage tolerance based on re-priming: mechanisms and implications for cancer therapy
Juan Méndez
DNA Replication Group Leader (CNIO).
11:00 h.
Identifying amino-acid crosstalks between the tumor and the host for improving cancer diagnosis and therapy
Ayelet Erez
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
11:30 h.
12:00 h.
Stress and mutation dependencies in the tumor microenvironment
Ruth Scherz-Shouval
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
12:30 h.
DNA supercoiling and topoisomerases in genome organization and transcriptional control
Felipe Cortés
Topology and DNA Breaks Group Leader (CNIO).
13:00 h.
Proteomic analysis of cancer internal heterogeneity
Tamar Geiger
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
13:30 h.
14:30 h.
Dissecting Cohesin complex biology in development and cancer
Ana Losada
Chromosome Dynamics Group Leader (CNIO).
15:00 h.
Love thy neighbor – unraveling the tumor immune microenvironment by multiplexed imaging
Leeat Keren
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
15:30 h.
Caught in the act. Visualising the elusive mismatch repair machinery by cryoEM
Rafael Fernández-Leiro
Genome Integrity and Structural Biology Junior Group Leader (CNIO).
Tuesday, 8 March
10:00 h.
Attendees check-in
10:30 h.
Order from Chaos: Chromosome Catastrophes Drive Cancer Evolution
Ofer Shoshani
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
11:00 h.
A pan-cancer compendium of chromosomal instability
Geoff MacIntyre
Computational Oncology Junior Group Leader (CNIO).
11:30 h.
Some p53 mutations are more equal than others
Moshe Oren
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
12:00 h.
Myeloid cells, innate immune sensors in tumor initiation
María Casanova
Cancer and Immunity Junior Group Leader (CNIO).
12:30 h.
Closing Remarks
María Blasco
Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO).
Moshe Oren
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS).
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