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Sleep disorders: from Neurobiology to Systemic Consequences
Life and Matter Sciences International Symposium January 18 and 19, 2018 Madrid
General information
Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces, C/ Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid
Limited capacity
- Simultaneous interpretation
- Free registration
Organized by:
Fundación Ramón Areces
In cooperation with:
Sociedad Española de Sueño
Diego Garcia-BorregueroInstituto del Sueño, Madrid. Presidente del Comité Científico de la SES
Joaquín TeránHospital Universitario de Burgos. Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Sueño
- Description
- Programme
Within a few decades, the science of sleep has undergone a dramatic change from being a subject that interested merely a minority, to becoming a widely discussed issue due to its medical consequences. The relevance of sleep disorders is not only based on its high prevalence (i.e., 4-6% for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, 2-3% for clinically relevant Restless Legs Syndrome, 8-10% for chronic insomnia, etc), but also on the increased cardiovascular and neurological morbidity. On the other hand, sleep disorders deteriorate the quality of life and carry on undoubted work-relates consequences as well as an increased risk of accidents.
Their impact on public health is not exclusively due to the disorders occurring during sleep, but also to issues more related to the modern way of life. Hence, a significant part of the population exposes itself, as a result of a particular life style, to a daily schedule that results in insufficient sleep time. Such has metabolic consequences with an increase in obesity and metabolic syndrome. Ultimately, such a life style increases the cardiovascular risk and reduces life expectancy.
The question is why, being sleep disorders epidemiologically so relevant, has the interest in the scientific study of sleep existed only for a few decades? The answer is probably related to the way in which modern medicine considered for a long time the function of sleep: Initially, sleep was understood as the absence of wakefulness and accordingly, the pathophysiology of any existing condition would not change during wake or during sleep. However, the finding of disorders that occurred exclusively during sleep, such as sleep apnea, reinforced the interest to understand the influence of sleep and wake states on biological functions. Furthermore, any future progress in research of sleep disorders will be possible only if it is associated to a progress in parallel of Neurobiology.
Eightteen years have passed since, in 2000, the Fundación Ramón Areces organized their first Symposium in Madrid on "Neurobiology and Sleep Disorders". Since then, progress in areas such as Genetics, Neurobiology, or on the metabolic and systemic consequences of sleep disorders has been considerable. As a result, Sleep Medicine has emerged as a field of knowledge characterized by its multidisciplinary clinical nature that has marked consequences on various areas of health ranging form neuropsychology to systemic disorders (hypertension, etc.). The object of this new edition of the International Symposium will be to discuss, aided by several of the world´s leading experts, the current state of our knowledge in the science of sleep and to outline the main lines of directions for research in the coming years.
Thursday, 18
Welcome and Introduction
Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Fundación Ramón Areces.
José María Medina
Fundación Ramón Areces.
Diego García-Borreguero
Basic neural mechanisms involved in sleep initiation and sleep maintenance
Miguel Garzón
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
The role of hypocretins and other activating systems in the regulation of wakefulness
Luis de Lecea
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.
Systems genetics of sleep homeostasis
Paul Franken
Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Involvement of circadian rhythms and other factors in insomnia
Eus van Someren
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Hyperarousal and sleep fragmentation
Diego Garcia-Borreguero
Roundtable: Sleep, Neurobiology and Genetics. What´s next?
Diego Garcia-Borreguero
Miguel Garzón
Luis de Lecea
Paul Franken
Eus Van Someren
Towards an integration of the neurobiology of insomnia with CBT. New CBT-based treatment approaches
Sean Drummond
Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences, Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
Sleep and memory
Susanne Diekelmann
Universität Tübingen, Alemania.
Sleep, a window into neurodegeneration?
A. Iranzo
Hospital Clinic, Universidad Barcelona.
The case for early intervention: Preventing the life-long complications of childhood sleep disorders
Dennis Rosen A. Iranzo
Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, USA.
Friday, 19
Narcolepsy, an autoimmune disorder?
Thomas E. Scammel
Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
Adenosine dysfunction: the link between dopamine and glutamate alterations in PLMs and RLS
Sergi Ferré
National Institute on Drug Abuse. National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Genetics, brain iron and neurocircuitry in Restless Legs Syndrome
R. Allen
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.
Sleep disordered breathing as a health and societal problem
Joaquín Durán-Cantolla
Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria.
Systemic consequences of sleep disorders
Joaquín Durán-Cantolla
Sleep disorders and mortality
F. Barbé
Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Universidad de Lleida.
Roundtable: Is sleep an important endpoint for health?
Joaquín Durán-Cantolla
I. Cano-Pumarega
Hospital Universitario, Getafe-Madrid, Instituto del Sueño.
J. M. Montserrat
Hospital Clinic, Universidad de Barcelona.
Animal models in sleep medicine
Isaac Almendros
Hospital Clinic, Universidad de Barcelona.
R. Allen
Closing remarks
Carlos Egea
Coordinador Área Trastornos del Sueño, SEPAR; Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria.
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