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Design of new dosage forms for oral administration of immunotherapy for the treatment of food allergy to peanuts
15th National Programme for the allocation of Research Grants for Life and Matter Sciences
Biomimetic models

Senior Researcher : Marta Ferrer Puga
Research Centre or Institution : University Clinic of Navarra. University of Navarra. (Spain).
Food allergy to peanuts is the leading cause of anaphylactic reactions and fatal reactions, and its prevalence is increasing in children. The only available treatment is to avoid ingestion. Faced with this situation, the most attractive treatment is desensitising immunotherapy. The main objective of the project is the design of new dosage forms for oral administration of immunotherapy for the treatment of food allergy to peanuts, for which we will develop a peanut allergy mouse model and consider the degree of protection afforded by such formulations against anaphylactic reaction induced in the animal model. In parallel, the aim is to define the profile of sensitisation to peanut components in the population of our country and compare it with the clinical symptoms presented.
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