Research projects
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Production of recombinant gonadotropins in Senegalese sole: applications for monitoring and control of sexual maturation in aquaculture
15th National Programme for the allocation of Research Grants for Life and Matter Sciences
Marine sciences
Research Centre or Institution : IRTA Laboratory (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology)-Institute of Marine Sciences. CSIC. Barcelona.
The overall objective of this project is to obtain information about the role of gonadotropins during gametogenesis in the Senegalese sole, and to develop methods based on the use of these hormones to induce the sexual maturation of farmed animals. To this end recombinant gonadotropins will be produced using biotechnological methods and specific immuno-tests will be developed to quantify the hormones in vivo. Both technologies will be used to investigate the role of gonadotropins during spermatogenesis in both in vitro and in vivo studies. The aim of the project is therefore to generate new technologies and knowledge to develop effective methods to control the reproduction of the sole in captivity, as well as for future research on the reproductive physiology of this species and other flatfish of interest in aquaculture.
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Febrero 2018 Nature Papers
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