Research projects
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19th national competition for scientific and technical research
42 results. Displaying from 1 to 42
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Molecular Etiology and Novel Treatments
Functional characterization and mechanisms of the signalling kinase MOK in neuroinfiammation associated to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Molecular Etiology and Novel Treatments Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Cintia Roodveldt Research Centre or Institution : Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER) Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Investigation on hybrid molecules as powerful novel therapeutic approaches for Multiple Sclerosis and myelin- related rare diseases
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Molecular Etiology and Novel Treatments Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Fernando de Castro Soubriet Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Progression of different forms of multiple sclerosis related to the stem/progenitor cells potential
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Molecular Etiology and Novel Treatments Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Laura López Mascaraque Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Cajal. CSIC. Madrid. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Significance of brain glucose hypometabolism and of altered insulin signal transduction in an experimental model of amiotrophic lateral esclerosis (ALE)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Molecular Etiology and Novel Treatments Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Enrique Blázquez Fernández Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research
Food security and biotechnology
Biotechnological use of the circadian clock to obtain plants with improved productivity, nutritional quality and resilience to climate change
Food security and biotechnology Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Paloma Mas Martínez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Regulación Agrigenómica-CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Microbiota, minerals and exposure to toxics interactions during the first 1000 days of life: identification of biomarkers and development of new dietary strategies
Food security and biotechnology Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : María Carmen Collado Amores Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA). CSIC. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Nutritional strategies and bioactive compounds to target lipid metabolism alterations in cancer: Platform of Patient derived Paired Organoids for Precision Nutrition
Food security and biotechnology Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Ana Ramírez Molina Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados (IMDEA) en Alimentación. Madrid. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Production of second generation prebiotics and polyphenol glycosides. Validation of its bioactive properties for use in functional food
Food security and biotechnology Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : María Fernández Lobato Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research
Graphene, atoms, clusters and metallic nanoparticles: Fundamental Basis and Applications
Controlled ultracold atomic arrays: a new platform for quantum technologies (CODEC)
Graphene, atoms, clusters and metallic nanoparticles: Fundamental Basis and Applications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Leticia Tarruell Pellegrin Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Ciencias Fotónicas, ICFO. Barcelona Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Graphene hot-carrier solar cell (SuGaR)
Graphene, atoms, clusters and metallic nanoparticles: Fundamental Basis and Applications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Elisa Antolín Fernández Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Energía Solar. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Magnetoplasmonic control (actuation and monitoring) of drug release using Fe/Au semi‐shells on biodegradable nanoparticles (MAGPLADRUG)
Graphene, atoms, clusters and metallic nanoparticles: Fundamental Basis and Applications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Alejandro Gómez Roca Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Bellaterra, Barcelona. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research
High-temperature superconducting materials
Search for superconducting materials of high critical temperature
High-temperature superconducting materials Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Regino Sáez Puche Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Energía Solar. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Search for superconducting materials of high critical temperature
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications
Comprehensive virus-host protein interactome by the use of yeast-two-hybrid coupled to next-generation sequencing analysis
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Margarita Salas Falgueras Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Dynamic T cell centrosomal protein network controls exosome-mediated anti-pathogen activity in dendritic cells: FOSTER interactome
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Francisco Sánchez Madrid Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Identification and modelling of molecular and cellular events of the immune response associated to the appearance of minimal hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Carmina Montoliu Felix Research Centre or Institution : Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana (Fundación INCLIVA) Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Interactome rewiring by phosphorylation and acetylation barcodes: implications in metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Federico Mayor Menéndez Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Interactome with the host cells of the Trypanosoma cruzi Exovesicles and the immunocomplexes; Implications in the pathology of the Chagas Disease
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Antonio Osuna Carrillo de Albornoz Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granada Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
New messengers in the intreactome between hepatic and extra-hepatic cells in non' alcoholic fatty liver disease with diagnostic value
Intercellular Dialogue and Interactome: Pathological Implications Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Ángela María Martínez Valverde Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas "Alberto Sols". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research
Precision Medicine and Cancer
Developing a targeted therapy to promote melanoma immune-recognition and suppress metastasis
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Héctor Peinado Selgas Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Heterogeneity in melanoma metastasis and resistance to immune checkpoint blockade
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : María S. Soengas y Yardena Samuels Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas. Madrid y el Weizman Institute of Science. Rehovot Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Identification of novel immunotherapeutic targets in lung and melanoma brain metastases
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Joan Seoane Suárez Research Centre or Institution : Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, VHIO Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Integration of genomic and epigenomics strategies for the analysis of T lymphoblastic neoplasms in the context of a precision individualized medicine
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : José Fernández Piqueras Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
p38α in control of UV-induced melanoma development and progression
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Juan Ángel Recio Conde Research Centre or Institution : Fundació Institut Recerca Vall d´Hebron. Hospital Vall d´Hebron. Barcelona Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on p38α in control of UV-induced melanoma development and progression
Precision medicine approach to target deregulated metabolism in multiple myeloma
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño Research Centre or Institution : TECNUN, Escuela de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Navarra Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Precision medicine approach to target deregulated metabolism in multiple myeloma
Precision medicine: GEF activators of the SOS family as therapeutic targets in Ras-dependent tumors
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Eugenio Santos de Dios Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular del Cáncer. Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Reactive astrocytes as a therapeutic target in brain metastasis
Precision Medicine and Cancer Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Manuel Valiente Cortés Research Centre or Institution : Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO). Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Reactive astrocytes as a therapeutic target in brain metastasis
Rare diseases
Advanced gene editing technologies to restore LAMA2 on merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Marc Güell Cargol Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in human diseases
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Pablo Lapunzina Badía Research Centre or Institution : INGEMM-Hospital Universitario La Paz-CIBERER. Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Artificial intelligence and machine learning in human diseases
Dissecting a neuron-to-liver crosstalk to modulate lipid metabolism in Batten disease
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Juan Pedro Bolaños Hernández Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biología Funcional y Genómica, Universidad de Salamanca-CSIC Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Gene therapy to correct glutaric aciduria type 1 in Gcdh -1- mice
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Cristina Fillat Fonts Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS). Barcelona. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Gene therapy to correct glutaric aciduria type 1 in Gcdh -1- mice
Molecular mechanisms in the development of scoliosis in limb-girdle muscular dystrophies
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Juan Viña Ribes Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Molecular mechanisms underlying Zic2-associated holoprosencephaly
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Eloisa Herrera González de Molina Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Neurociencias. CSIC-Universidad Miguel Hernández. Alicante. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Molecular mechanisms underlying Zic2-associated holoprosencephaly
New insights on Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome, a novel connection with DNA repair
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Pablo Huertas Sánchez Research Centre or Institution : Centro Andaluz de Biología Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa (CABIMER) Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on New insights on Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome, a novel connection with DNA repair
Novel immunotherapeutic strategies against T-ALL, a rare pediatric disease
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : María Luisa Toribio García Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa". CSIC-Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Novel immunotherapeutic strategies against T-ALL, a rare pediatric disease
Systems medicine applied to the identification of new therapeutic targets in rare genetic-based diseases
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Juan Antonio García Ranea Research Centre or Institution : CIBERER. Universidad de Málaga Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Therapeutic strategy against Huntington's disease through the synergistic activation of AMPK
Rare diseases Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Rafael Vázquez Manrique Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe. Valencia Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research
Renewable energy: materials and processes
Beyond biogas as renewable energy source: conversion to methanol through metallic nanoparticles embedded in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
Renewable energy: materials and processes Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Antonio Sánchez Ferrer Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Nanostructured multifunctional membranes for the production of solar fuels by artificial photosynthesis
Renewable energy: materials and processes Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Víctor Antonio de la Peña O’Shea Research Centre or Institution : IMDEA Energía. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Novel proton-conducting MOF composites for fuel cell devices
Renewable energy: materials and processes Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Patricia Horcajada Cortés Research Centre or Institution : IMDEA Energía. Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Novel proton-conducting MOF composites for fuel cell devices
Sepsis: Early Warning, Prevention and Treatment
Extracellular vesicles biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of post-surgical septic shock
Sepsis: Early Warning, Prevention and Treatment Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Eduardo Tamayo Gómez Research Centre or Institution : Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Risk Assesment of Bacterial Sepsis using multiomic and bioinformatics tools: an approach towards the Precision Medicine in Infectious Diseases
Sepsis: Early Warning, Prevention and Treatment Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : María Teresa Coque González Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical research -
Synthetic nanoparticles as an innovative treatment for sepsis (SPRINT-4-SEPSIS)
Sepsis: Early Warning, Prevention and Treatment Call: 2018
Senior Researcher : Antonio Artigas Raventós Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Parc Taulí (I3PT), Corporación Sanitaria i Universitaria Parc Taulí Call: 19th national competition for scientific and technical researchmore information on Synthetic nanoparticles as an innovative treatment for sepsis (SPRINT-4-SEPSIS)
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