Research projects
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#Proyectos relacionados con Superconductor materials at (very) high critical temperature
6 results. Displaying from 1 to 6
Azotobacter vinelandii as bio-factories for producing hydrogen
Senior Researcher : Juan Imperial Ródenas Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas. Universidad Politécnica de Madridmore information on Azotobacter vinelandii as bio-factories for producing hydrogen
H2 production from glycerol with the aid of microbial cells isolated from the extremophile ecosystem of Rio Tinto
Senior Researcher : Víctor Manuel Fernández López Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica. CSIC. Madrid. -
Using genetic engineering to obtain strains of Clostridium cellulolyticum and Rhodobacter capsulatus that overproduce hydrogen
Senior Researcher : Alberto Sola Landa Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Biotecnología de León (INBIOTEC). -
Magnetoplasmonic control (actuation and monitoring) of drug release using Fe/Au semi‐shells on biodegradable nanoparticles (MAGPLADRUG)
Senior Researcher : Alejandro Gómez Roca Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Bellaterra, Barcelona. -
Graphene-based flexible neural interfaces for the peripheral nervous system
Senior Researcher : José Antonio Garrido Ariza Research Centre or Institution : Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Bellaterra, Barcelona.more information on Graphene-based flexible neural interfaces for the peripheral nervous system
High temperature superconductivity in iron materials
Senior Researcher : Elena Bascones Fernández de Velasco Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Ciencias de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM). CSIC. Madrid.more information on High temperature superconductivity in iron materials
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