Research projects
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#Proyectos relacionados con Gender differences in productivity and collaboration
8 results. Displaying from 1 to 8
The gender divide in educational achievement: an international analysis of its causes, magnitude and relevance
Senior Researcher : Pau Marí Klose Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos(CSIC). Madrid. -
Care Crisis in Spain: Family, health and the well-being of the elderly in Spain
more information on Care Crisis in Spain: Family, health and the well-being of the elderly in Spain
The sustainability of pensions from a demographic perspective: the increase of the female labor activity and the improvement of the relation contributors/pensioners
Senior Researcher : Elisenda Rentería Pérez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. -
Fertility decisions and the labour market
Senior Researcher : Virginia Sánchez Marcos Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Cantabria. Santander.more information on Fertility decisions and the labour market
Paternal Leave, Child Care and Work-Life Balance
more information on Paternal Leave, Child Care and Work-Life Balance
The impact of globalization and technology on employment conditions in Europe
more information on The impact of globalization and technology on employment conditions in Europe
Economic implications of the new mortgage debtor protection rules and analysis of the familiy, demographic and economic consequences of participation in the housing market
Public policies, fertility and neonatal health
Senior Researcher : Libertad González Luna Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelonamore information on Public policies, fertility and neonatal health
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