Research projects
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#Proyectos relacionados con The relationship between credit default swaps and loan renegotiation
9 results. Displaying from 1 to 9
Customer capital in high-consumption retail markets
Senior Researcher : Natalia María Rubio Benito Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on Customer capital in high-consumption retail markets
The unification of European contract law in the field of sale as an instrument for the effective realization of the internal market in the commercial distribution sector
Economic-historical origins of partisan effects of electoral systems in contemporary democracies
Integration of grain markets: effects on globalisation and great divergence in Europe, Asia and America, 1700 / 1914
Senior Researcher : Alfredo García Hiernaux Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Analysis of the CDS Market: risk, contagion and evaluation
Senior Researcher : Laura Ballester Miquel Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia.more information on Analysis of the CDS Market: risk, contagion and evaluation
Design and implementation of composite indicators: A proposal for the field of sustainability
Financial Stabilisation Mechanisms. A Quantitative Analysis
more information on Financial Stabilisation Mechanisms. A Quantitative Analysis
International connectivity of credit risk
more information on International connectivity of credit risk
The integration of European public debt markets
Senior Researcher : Pilar Abad Romero Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid.more information on The integration of European public debt markets
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