Research projects
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#Proyectos relacionados con Market and Funding Liquidity: Drivers of Liquidity and Real Effects
58 results. Displaying from 1 to 58
Labor Market Implications of Temptation and Patience: Evidence and Theory
Senior Researcher : Estrella Gómez Herrera Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de las Islas Baleares. Mallorcamore information on Labor Market Implications of Temptation and Patience: Evidence and Theory
Salud, bienestar subjetivo y disonancia ideológica: una perspectiva internacional y generacional
Senior Researcher : Beatriz Rodríguez Sánchez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Tax evasion, dishonesty and altruism
Senior Researcher : Nuria Rodríguez Priego Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Beyond the Surface of Banking Supervision: Multi-Faceted Effects on Lenders and Borrowers
Senior Researcher : Pedro Jesús Cuadros Solas Research Centre or Institution : CUNEF Universidad -
Optimal excise taxation: theoretical analysis, empirical estimation, and policy recommendations with tax-collection and environmental implications
Senior Researcher : Miguel Ángel Borrella Mas Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona. -
The Perfect Tax? A Review of the Performance of the VAT with an International Perspective
Senior Researcher : Miguel Almunia Candela Research Centre or Institution : Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF) -
The roots of polarization: Institutions, media and geography
Senior Researcher : Agustín Casas Research Centre or Institution : Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)more information on The roots of polarization: Institutions, media and geography
Optimising transparency in online contracts for economic innovation in the retail industry: Interdisciplinary research through legal analysis and empirical experiments on consumer behaviour
Senior Researcher : María Natalia Mato Pacín Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
Commercialisation and internationalisation strategy: standardisation vs adaptation
Senior Researcher : Alicia Barroso Ludeña Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
Multi-channel marketing: towards integrated, profitable management of relations with customers
Senior Researcher : Francisco Javier Sesé Oliván Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Zaragoza -
Legal system governing international commercialisation and distribution: sectoral applications in goods and merchandise markets and in financial markets
Senior Researcher : Ángel Espiniella Menéndez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Oviedo. -
Repercussions of the elimination of national brand names in products sold by the food distribution groups on the image of the establishment, the intention to visit and the intention to buy the distributor's brand: direct effects and analysis of moderating factors
Senior Researcher : Juan Carlos Gázquez Abad Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Almería. -
Towards an integrated framework of commercial distribution in the European Union: the freedoms of provision of services and establishment
Senior Researcher : Raúl Ignacio Rodríguez Magdaleno Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Oviedo. -
Development of a management to measure the impact of prices and sales promotions in distribution establishments and application in the food retail trade in Spain
Senior Researcher : María del Pilar Martínez Ruiz Research Centre or Institution : Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de Cuenca. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha -
Job flows and temporary employment in Spain
Senior Researcher : Felix Wellschmied Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Job flows and temporary employment in Spain
Mapping the foreign financing of household and government debt
Senior Researcher : Björn Richter Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabramore information on Mapping the foreign financing of household and government debt
Unintended consequences of information regulation: An analysis of three natural experiments
Senior Researcher : Jacobo Gómez Conde Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Climate change, inequality and forced migration. Responsibility along global value chains.
Senior Researcher : Guadalupe Arce González Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete. -
Current challenges in well-being analysis. How to measure inequality when the information is limited?
Senior Researcher : Vanesa Jordá Gil Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Cantabria. Santander. -
Border effects, Procurement and Productivity
Senior Researcher : Manuel José García-Santana Research Centre or Institution : Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelonamore information on Border effects, Procurement and Productivity
Causal Panel Models with Sequential Exogeneity: a Balancing Approach
Senior Researcher : Dmitry Arkhangelskiy Research Centre or Institution : Fundación Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)more information on Causal Panel Models with Sequential Exogeneity: a Balancing Approach
Learning from the Customer: Online Reviews and Corporate Investment
Senior Researcher : Miguel Antón Sancho Research Centre or Institution : IESE Business School. Universidad de Navarramore information on Learning from the Customer: Online Reviews and Corporate Investment
A historical approach to the economic development of Spanish municipalities: the ruralurban dichotomy during the 20th century to the present.
Senior Researcher : Ignacio Cazcarro Castellano Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Zaragoza -
The impact of modern economic growth on climate change (Spain, 1860-2020)
Senior Researcher : Juan Infante Amate Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granadamore information on The impact of modern economic growth on climate change (Spain, 1860-2020)
Social spending, investment in human capital and democracy in Latin
Senior Researcher : Sergio Espuelas Barroso Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona.more information on Social spending, investment in human capital and democracy in Latin
The origins of regional inequality in Spain, 1840-2015
Senior Researcher : Carlos Santiago Caballero Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on The origins of regional inequality in Spain, 1840-2015
Inequality and conflict: historic studies of the impact of institutions on economic development
Senior Researcher : Jordi Domènech Feliu Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
Anglo-Asian globalisation in the modern age, 1615-1830
Senior Researcher : Pilar Nogués Marco Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Anglo-Asian globalisation in the modern age, 1615-1830
Individual innovation and waves of technical change: specific characteristics of the mechanisation of early Spanish industry
Senior Researcher : Marc Badia Miró Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona. -
Historical experiences in the formation of optimum monetary areas
Senior Researcher : Markus Lampe Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Historical experiences in the formation of optimum monetary areas
Integration of grain markets: effects on globalisation and great divergence in Europe, Asia and America, 1700 / 1914
Senior Researcher : Alfredo García Hiernaux Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
The contribution of control and accountability mechanisms to the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity
Senior Researcher : Mª Nieves Carrera Pena Research Centre or Institution : IE Business School. Madrid. -
Towards an understanding of parents' expectations of the returns on education in developing countries
Senior Researcher : Alex Armand Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona. -
Ownership, autonomy and repeating a school year: identification of effective policies to improve the quality of education
Senior Researcher : Álvaro Borja Choi de Mendizábal Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona. -
The effects of sectoral economic conditions on the education decisions of students
Senior Researcher : Jennifer Graves Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
The effects of the quality of the teacher and classmates on school performance
Senior Researcher : Ana Hidalgo Cabrillana Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on The effects of the quality of the teacher and classmates on school performance
What drives innovation? The role of regulation in the capital, banking and goods markets
Senior Researcher : Anna Toldrà Simats Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
What should corporate governance and accountancy information be like in order to facilitate access by the company to sources of funding?
Senior Researcher : Juan Manuel García Lara Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
The banking and production economies. Influence and regulation
Senior Researcher : David Martínez Miera Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on The banking and production economies. Influence and regulation
Concealment, delegation and hierarchy of the company
Senior Researcher : Susana Esteban Tavera Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.more information on Concealment, delegation and hierarchy of the company
Institutions, comparative advantage and environment
Senior Researcher : Fernando A. Broner Pasik Research Centre or Institution : Centre de Recerca en Economía Internacionalmore information on Institutions, comparative advantage and environment
The economic roots of domestic terrorism
Senior Researcher : Marta Reynal Querol Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelonamore information on The economic roots of domestic terrorism
Employment policy and public salaries: a European comparison
Senior Researcher : Pedro Gomes Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Employment policy and public salaries: a European comparison
Fertility decisions and the labour market
Senior Researcher : Virginia Sánchez Marcos Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Cantabria. Santander.more information on Fertility decisions and the labour market
Expectations, assignment of talent and inequality: Europe vs. USA
Senior Researcher : Alessandra Bonfiglioli Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Análisis Económico. CSIC. Barcelona.more information on Expectations, assignment of talent and inequality: Europe vs. USA
Unemployment benefits, recurrence and returning to the previous occupation
Senior Researcher : José María Arranz Muñoz Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares.more information on Unemployment benefits, recurrence and returning to the previous occupation
Information about relative performance: analysis of motivation and happiness
Senior Researcher : Nagore Iriberri Etxebeste Research Centre or Institution : Departamento de Economía y Empresa. Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelonamore information on Information about relative performance: analysis of motivation and happiness
Labour market institutions and economic cycles
Senior Researcher : Evi Pappa Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.more information on Labour market institutions and economic cycles
Allocation of resources and decision-making within the household: implications on individual wellbeing measured through self-reporting health levels
Senior Researcher : María Teresa Blázquez Cuesta Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Dependency of the elderly in Europe: consequences of reforms on family care
Senior Researcher : Matthias Kredler Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Dependency of the elderly in Europe: consequences of reforms on family care
Study of the factors determining institutional quality in developing countries
Senior Researcher : Mónica Martínez Bravo Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)more information on Study of the factors determining institutional quality in developing countries
Ageing and the social and healthcare system. Public spending and its effects on equality, dependency and insurance in Spain
Senior Researcher : Manuel García Goñi Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Incentives and participation in kidney paired donation programmes
Senior Researcher : Carmelo Rodríguez Álvarez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madridmore information on Incentives and participation in kidney paired donation programmes
Inherited poverty: intergenerational persistence of poverty in the European Union
Senior Researcher : María Ángeles Davia Rodríguez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete. -
Public policies, fertility and neonatal health
Senior Researcher : Libertad González Luna Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelonamore information on Public policies, fertility and neonatal health
The assignment of children to public schools: a study of three key factors
Senior Researcher : Jorge Alcalde Unzu Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pública de Navarra.more information on The assignment of children to public schools: a study of three key factors
Key factors and recommendations to combat social exclusion
Senior Researcher : María Teresa Blázquez Cuesta Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on Key factors and recommendations to combat social exclusion
Effects of the capital stock of the autonomous regions on production and employment in the Spanish economy
Senior Researcher : Carolina Cosculluela Martínez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid.
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