Research projects
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#Proyectos relacionados con Revista FRA Nº 23
32 results. Displaying from 1 to 32
Effects of separation by sexes in education in Spain
Senior Researcher : Pablo Brañas Garza Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Granadamore information on Effects of separation by sexes in education in Spain
Individual effort and its dependency on the family and school environments as key factors in school performance
Senior Researcher : Pedro Landeras Cicero Research Centre or Institution : Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada. Madrid -
The cultural determinants of educational performance
Senior Researcher : Ildefonso Méndez Martínez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Murcia.more information on The cultural determinants of educational performance
The gender divide in educational achievement: an international analysis of its causes, magnitude and relevance
Senior Researcher : Pau Marí Klose Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos(CSIC). Madrid. -
Development factors, educations policy and educational achievements in advancedcountries. An international analyisis of excellence and equity in education
Senior Researcher : Miguel Ángel Alegre Canosa Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Gobierno y Políticas Públicas GREDEQ (Grupo de Investigación en Educación y Equidad). Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. -
Measuring educational equity in Spain and the OECD: a multidimensional analysis using composite indicators
Senior Researcher : Gabriela Sicilia Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de La Laguna -
Molecular strategies for the biorepair of mining soils and the maintenance of the balance of atmospheric CO2
Senior Researcher : María C. Romero Puertas Research Centre or Institution : Estación Experimental del Zaidín. CSIC. Granada -
The development of a new generation of nanostructures for the elimination of greenhouse gases (NANO-GEI)
Senior Researcher : Francisco Javier Lafuente Sancho Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. -
The influence of climate change on the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Senior Researcher : María Teresa Muniesa Pérez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona. -
The influence of the structure of combustion aerosols on climate change (AEROCLIMA)
Senior Researcher : Esther Coz Diego Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) -
Impacts of climate change on bioelemental stocks and flows and feedbacks on ecosystems and crops – ELEMENTAL CLIMATE
Senior Researcher : Josep Peñuelas Reixach Research Centre or Institution : Centro de Investigación Ecológica y Aplicaciones Forestales. Barcelona -
Thermoelectric micro-generator to obtain portable and sustainable energy
Senior Researcher : Olga Caballero Calero Research Centre or Institution : Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología - CNM - CSIC. Madridmore information on Thermoelectric micro-generator to obtain portable and sustainable energy
Social spending, investment in human capital and democracy in Latin
Senior Researcher : Sergio Espuelas Barroso Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona.more information on Social spending, investment in human capital and democracy in Latin
The origins of regional inequality in Spain, 1840-2015
Senior Researcher : Carlos Santiago Caballero Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on The origins of regional inequality in Spain, 1840-2015
Inequality and conflict: historic studies of the impact of institutions on economic development
Senior Researcher : Jordi Domènech Feliu Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. -
Anglo-Asian globalisation in the modern age, 1615-1830
Senior Researcher : Pilar Nogués Marco Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Anglo-Asian globalisation in the modern age, 1615-1830
Individual innovation and waves of technical change: specific characteristics of the mechanisation of early Spanish industry
Senior Researcher : Marc Badia Miró Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona. -
Historical experiences in the formation of optimum monetary areas
Senior Researcher : Markus Lampe Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.more information on Historical experiences in the formation of optimum monetary areas
Integration of grain markets: effects on globalisation and great divergence in Europe, Asia and America, 1700 / 1914
Senior Researcher : Alfredo García Hiernaux Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
The contribution of control and accountability mechanisms to the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity
Senior Researcher : Mª Nieves Carrera Pena Research Centre or Institution : IE Business School. Madrid. -
Evaluation of efficiency in educational production from sample designs
Senior Researcher : Juan Aparicio Baeza Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Alicante.more information on Evaluation of efficiency in educational production from sample designs
Characteristics of teachers and teaching practices in classrooms: an evaluation of the impact on academic performance of secondary education students
Senior Researcher : José Manuel Cordero Ferrera Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Extremadura. -
Towards an understanding of parents' expectations of the returns on education in developing countries
Senior Researcher : Alex Armand Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona. -
Ownership, autonomy and repeating a school year: identification of effective policies to improve the quality of education
Senior Researcher : Álvaro Borja Choi de Mendizábal Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Barcelona. -
The effects of sectoral economic conditions on the education decisions of students
Senior Researcher : Jennifer Graves Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. -
Measuring the efficiency of primary education and its determinants in Spain and in the European Union: An analysis with TIMSS-PIRLS 2011
Senior Researcher : Daniel Santín González Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Complutense de Madrid -
Students’ Behavior, Skills and Education: Implications for the Design of Educational Interventions
The effects of the quality of the teacher and classmates on school performance
Senior Researcher : Ana Hidalgo Cabrillana Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.more information on The effects of the quality of the teacher and classmates on school performance
Quality of the education system, composition of educatiosn and economic growth
Senior Researcher : Amparo Castelló Climent Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Valencia.more information on Quality of the education system, composition of educatiosn and economic growth
The assignment of children to public schools: a study of three key factors
Senior Researcher : Jorge Alcalde Unzu Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Pública de Navarra.more information on The assignment of children to public schools: a study of three key factors
Analysis of public choice and social preferences for climate change control policies: the case of green energy and clean fuels in Spain
Senior Researcher : María Loureiro García Research Centre or Institution : Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. -
Regulating medical tourism: evidence from the Spanish case
more information on Regulating medical tourism: evidence from the Spanish case
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