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Óscar Llorca Blanco
Producción científica:
- Artículos generados en Revistas 8
- Comunicaciones en congresos nacionales 1
- Comunicaciones en congresos internacionales 5
Relación de artículos:
- Alcorlo M, Tortajada A, Rodriguez de Cordoba S, Llorca O.
Structural basis for the Complement Alternative Pathway C3 convertase stabilization by Properdin.
Enviado a publicar en Abril 2013 - Tortajada, Yébenes H, et al., Llorca O, Rodríguez de Córdoba S.
C3 Glomerulopathy-associated CFHR1 mutation alters FHR oligomerzation and complement regulation
Journal of Clinical Investigation 2013 (aceptado)
(Impact factor: 13.07) - Hadders MA, Bubeck D, Roversi P, Hakobyan S, Forneris F, Morgan BP, Pangburn
MK, Llorca O*, Lea SM*, Gros P.* (* co-corresponding authors)
Assembly and regulation of the membrane attack complex based on structures of C5b6 and sC5b9.
Cell Reports. 2012 Mar 29;1(3):200-7.
(Nueva revista del grupo Cell, todavía sin Impact Factor) - Alcorlo M, Martínez-Barricarte R, Fernández FJ, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Round A,
Vega MC, Harris CL, de Cordoba SR, Llorca O.
Unique structure of iC3b resolved at a resolution of 24 Å by 3D-electron microscopy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Aug 9; 108(32):13236-40.
(Impact factor: 9.68) - Bubeck D, Roversi P, Donev R, Morgan BP, Llorca O*, Lea SM.* (* co-corresponding authors)
Structure of human complement C8, a precursor to membrane attack.
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2011 Jan 14;405(2):325-30.
(Impact factor: 4.00) - Rodríguez de Córdoba S, Harris CL, Morgan BP, Llorca O.
Lessons from functional and structural analyses of disease-associated genetic variants in the complement alternative pathway.
Biochim Biophys Acta -Molecular Basis of Disease. 2011 Jan;1812(1):12-22.
(Impact factor: 5.39) - Martínez-Barricarte R, Heurich M, Valdes-Cañedo F, Vazquez-Martul E, Torreira
E, Montes T, Tortajada A, Pinto S, Lopez-Trascasa M, Morgan BP, Llorca O, Harris
CL, Rodríguez de Córdoba S.
Human C3 mutation reveals a mechanism of dense deposit disease pathogenesis and provides insights into complement activation and regulation.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 2010 Oct;120(10):3702-12.
(Impact factor: 13.07) - Alcorlo M, Martínez-Barricarte R, Fernández FJ, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Round A, Vega MC, Harris CL, de Cordoba SR, Llorca O.
The medium-resolution structure of human complement iC3b revealed by 3D-electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering
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