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Carmen Guerra González
Relación de artículos
- Navas C, Hernández-Porras 1, Alberto J Schuhmacher A, Sibilia M, Guerra, C· and Barbacid M'. EGF Receptor Signaling Is Essential For KRas-Driven Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cancer Cell, 22, 318-330 (2012). Corresponding authors. News & Views commentaries for this article appeared in: Perera, RM.,and Bardeesy, N. Ready, Set, Go: The EGF Receptor at the Pancreatic Cancer Starting Line.Cancer Cell 22, 281-282 (2012).
- Hernández-Porras, l., Fabianno, S., Schuhmacher A.J. Cañamero, M.,Bustelo, X., Barbacid, M., and Guerra, C. Germ line expression of KRasV141causes deficits associated to Noonan síndrome and predisposes to cancer tumor devlopment. in preparation for JCI.
- Hernández-Porras, l., Guerra. C'. Mouse models to study Rasopathíes. Review for Oncogene. Under preparation
- Estudios de diagnóstico de imagen (corazón, esqueleto, .. ). Dr. Manuel Deseo, Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid
- Estudios cardiovasculares: con el grupo del Dr. Xosé Bustelo, Centro de investigación del Cáncer de Salamanca
- Estudios de comportamiento: con el Dr. Martin Zenker. Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
- Estudios de células stem del corazón: Dr. Christopher Heeschen, CNIO
- Estudios de expresión: Emma Burkitl-Wright. Genetic Medicine, St Mary's Hospital, Manchester UK.
Comunicaciones en congresos nacionales
- "Genetic Syndromes of the Ras/MAPK Pathway". 4th ESO-CNIO Familial Cancer Conference. June 7-8, 2010 Madrid.
- "A K-Ras knock-in mouse model for Noonan Syndrome". CNIO Progress Report. Madrid, Enero, 2010.
- "Germline K-RasV141 mutation causes Noonan Syndrome and fatal myeloproliferative disorder" CNIO Progress Report. Madrid, Septiembre 2011.
- "Desarrollo de modelos de ratón para el estudio de RASopatías". XXXIV Reunión anual del ECEMC y curso de actualización sobre la investigación de los defectos congénitos. Albacete, 27-30 October 2011
- "Genetic Syndromes of the Ras/MAPK Pathway". 5th ESO-CNIO Familial Cancer Conference. June 7-8, 2012 Madrid.
Comunicaciones en congresos internacionales
- "GEM models of pancreatic and lung cancers". 4th Course in vivo Preclinical Assays in Cancer Therapy: May 18-20 2011. Institut Curie, Paris, France.
- "Germline K-RasV141 mutation causes Noonan Syndrome and fatal myeloproliferative disorder" Genetic Syndromes of the Ras/MAPK Pathway:LJFinding Our Way Back to the BedsideLJ July 29-30, 2011 [Chicago, IIlinois. Aword: "Young Investigator abstract competition"
- "A new K-Ras knock-in mouse model to study Noonan syndrome and cancer predisposition" -EUMODIC- The European Mouse Disease Clinic: A distributed Phenotyping Resource for studying human disease, final meeting. Ginebra November 21-22,2011.
- "Noonan Syndrome Mouse Model: Tumor Predisposition and Therapeutic Strategies". 4th International Meeting on Rare Disorders of the RAS-MAPK pathway. A workshop preceding the ESHG meeting. Nuremberg, June 22-23, 2012.
Producción científica
- Artículos generados en Revistas: 3
- Colaboraciones: 5
- Comunicaciones en congresos nacionales: 5
- Comunicaciones en congresos internacionales: 4
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