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Social Science Research

XX National Competition

Economic Analysis

  Investigation project Senior Researcher Research Centre
Climate change, inequality and forced migration. Responsibility along global value chains Guadalupe Arce González Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Albacete.
Current challenges in well-being analysis. How to measure inequality when the information is limited? Vanesa Jordá Gil Universidad de Cantabria. Santander.
Market and Funding Liquidity: Drivers of Liquidity and Real Effects Jesper Rüdiger Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Commercial distribution

Applied economics

  Investigation project Senior Researcher Research Centre
Beyond the Surface of Banking Supervision: Multi-Faceted Effects on Lenders and Borrowers Pedro Jesús Cuadros Solas CUNEF Universidad.

Economic History 

  Investigation project Senior Researcher Research Centre
A historical approach to the economic development of Spanish municipalities: the ruralurban dichotomy during the 20th century to the present Ignacio Cazcarro Castellano Universidad de Zaragozaa

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