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Marta Eugenia Alarcón Riquelme
Scientific production
1 paper at international conferences
Dr. Marta Eugenia Alarcón Riquelme studied for her Doctorate in Immunology in Stockholm University, Sweden (1994). She then undertook her post-doctorate training in the Genetic and Pathology Department of Uppsala University, where she won several prizes and awards. She became a Professor of the said University (2009), since when she has switched to leading study in the area of Human DNA Variability at the Pfizer-University of Granada-Andalusian Regional Government Centre for Genomics and Cancer Research (GENYO), in Granada.
Dr. Alarcón Riquelme has published more than 130 original papers in major journals (Nature, Genetics), such as the identification of the PDCD1 and BANK1 genes as ones giving rise to susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as mechanisms by which risk variants alter genetic expression. She has received financing from European, US and Swedish funds, as well as the King Charles III Health Institute, the latter being co-financed with ERDF funds from the European Union. She is a member of the SLEGEN International Consortium of lupus genetics and is co-ordinator of the BIOLUPUS network, financed by the Alliance for Lupus Research and the European Science Foundation, respectively.
Her research group is dedicated to the study of systemic lupus erythematosus, with the aim of reaching an understanding of the mechanisms by which susceptibility genes eventually cause genetic and cellular damage. Dr. Alarcón Riquelme works in multi-centre studies at an international level.
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