Legal advice
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Very important: This section includes information about the conditions of access and use of this web site that should be known by the user.
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT, for the purpose envisaged in Law 34/2002 on Electronic Commerce and Information Society Services.
- Holder: Fundación Ramón Areces
Tax ID Code (C.I.F.):G-28459311 - Address: C/ VITRUVIO Nº 5. MADRID
- E-mail:
- Phone: 91 515 89 80
- Fax: 91 564 52 43
Registered on 28-09-1976 at the Foundations Registry under Number 69.
1. Conditions of access and use of this web site
1.1. Access to the web, contents and information.
Access to this web site is the exclusive responsibility of its users and implies acceptance and knowledge of the legal notices, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
The web site is for informative purposes only. FUNDACIÓN RAMON ARECES reserves the right to introduce whatsoever changes or modifications it deems advisable and necessary at any time in its web page without need for any prior notice.
Users guarantee the authenticity and veracity of all the data they supply when completing the registration forms as well as at any other time. Also, they will be responsible for updating the information supplied to reflect its real situation. Users will be responsible for any imprecision or lack of truthfulness in the information supplied.
1.2 Obligation to make correct use of the web page and its contents
Users undertake to correctly use the web site and utilities provided in accordance with the law, with this legal notice, and with the instructions and notices they receive.
Users undertake to use the web site and all its contents exclusively for legal and non-prohibited ends that do not infringe the current legality and/or prove injurious to the legitimate rights of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES or of any third party, and/or that may directly or indirectly cause any damage or prejudice.
To this effect, Users will refrain from using any of the contents of the web page for illegal ends or effects, prohibited in this Legal Notice, that may be injurious to third party rights and interests or which may in any way damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the web, the hardware or documents, files and all manner of contents stored in any hardware (hacking) of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES, of other Users or of any Internet user (hardware and software).
In particular and by way of illustration only and without limitation, Users undertake not to transmit, divulge or make available to third parties any information, data, contents, messages, graphics, designs, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any class of material that:
- (a) is in any way contrary to, impairs or infringes the fundamental rights and public liberties recognised in the constitution, in international treatises and in any other legislation;
- (b) induces, incites or fosters criminal, degrading, defamatory, defaming, violent actions or whatsoever in general is contrary to the law, to ethics and to the generally accepted good customs or public order;
- (c) induces, incites or fosters discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts by reason of sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or status;
- (d) incorporates, makes available or permits access to fraudulent, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading products, elements, messages and/or services or which are, in general, contrary to the law, to morals and to the generally accepted good customs or public order;
- (e) is false, ambiguous, inexact, exaggerated or extemporaneous, that induces or may induce to error with regard to its purpose or the intentions or aims of the issuing party;
- (f) is protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to third parties, without Users having previously obtained the necessary authorisation from its holders to carry out the use they make or intend making;
- (g) infringes third party corporate secrets;
- (h) is contrary to the right to honour, to personal and familiar intimacy or to the very image of persons;
- (i) in any way impairs the credit of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES or of third parties;
- (j) infringes the regulations on secrecy of communications;
- (k) constitutes, if applicable, illegal, deceitful or unfair publicity and, in general, constitutes unfair competition;
- (l) incorporates virus or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal functioning of the network, of the system or of electronic devices (hardware and software) of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES or of third parties or that may damage the electronic documents and files stored in those electronic devices;
- (m) due to its characteristics (such as format, extension, etc.), provokes difficulties in the normal operation of the Service;
In accordance with the above mentioned, Users undertakes to use the contents made available to them in the web site, these being understood to be, without being limited to this list, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as their graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the "Contents"), in accordance with the law, this Legal Notice, other notices, rules of use and instructions made known to them, as well as with the moral and generally accepted good customs and public order and, in particular they undertake to refrain from:
- (a) reproducing, copying, distributing, making available or in any other form publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents, except with the authorisation of the holder of the corresponding rights or when permitted by law;
- (b) suppressing, manipulating or in any other form altering the "copyright" and other data identifying the rights reserved of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES or of its holders, of fingerprints or any other technical means established for their recognition.
Users should refrain from obtaining and even trying to obtain the Contents using means or procedures other than those which they have been provided, in each case, for this purpose or which they have been indicated to this effect in the web page where the Contents are found or, in general, those regularly used on Internet to this effect provided they entail no risk of damaging or rendering useless the web site, the Services and/or the Contents.
Specifically, the use of the photographic and audio/video files of the Press Room of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES is subject to the following conditions:
Their use for commercial purposes and/or their subsequent distribution is forbidden. The images and audiovisual resources available here are for exclusive use by the media and merely for informative purposes, provided their origin is mentioned. Their use for illustrating activities, products or events of other Foundations is therefore forbidden. FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES reserves the right to withdraw the licence to use any of these audio/video images or files whenever it may consider they are being applied for purposes that in any way may harm its interests.
Users and, in general, those persons who intend to establish a hyperlink between their web page and the web (hereinafter, the "Hyperlink") should meet the following conditions, always with prior authorisation:
- (a) the Hyperlink will only give access to the home-page or start page of the web site or to the specific point that FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES may authorise, but they shall in no way be reproduced;
- (b) no frame will be created on the web pages of the web site;
- (c) no false, inexact or incorrect declarations or indications will be made regarding FUNDACIÓN RAMON ARECES, its executives, its employees or the web pages of the site;
- (d) no statement will be made or implied that FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES has authorised the Hyperlink or has supervised or in any way assumed the services offered or made available in the web page in which the Hyperlink is established;
- (e) an exception to this are those signs that form part of the actual Hyperlink; the web page in which the Hyperlink is established will contain no trademark, brand name, name, logotype, slogan or other distinguishing signs belonging to FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES; and
- (f) the web page where the Hyperlink is established will contain no information or illegal contents contrary to moral and generally accepted good customs and public order. Furthermore it will contain no contents contrary to any third party rights.
The establishment of the Hyperlink shall in no event imply the existence of any relation between FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES and the owner of the web page in which it is established, nor the acceptance or approval by FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES of its contents or services.
FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES assumes no responsibility for the information and Contents incorporated in third party web pages that may be accessible from the web site of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES via links, connections, hyperlinks, etc.
1.3 Industrial and Intellectual property rights
Users undertake to respect the industrial property rights of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES or any other third party. The use or concession of access to the Web page does not imply that any right is granted to the trademarks, brand names or any other distinguishing sign used in it.
Users may download the web page in their terminal provided this is for their own private use, without any commercial ends. They shall consequently not be allowed to exploit, reproduce, distribute, modify, publicly communicate, cede, transform or use the web contents for public or commercial ends.
The Contents are furthermore the intellectual property of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES and/or of the authors of the research work or of any other nature incorporated in the web. Reproduction of any work is forbidden, whether wholly or partly, unless expressly authorised by the author. None of the rights of exploitation or any others existing now or in future on such Contents shall be understood as ceded to the User by virtue of the provisions set out in this legal notice, except when strictly necessary for the correct use of the web site.
1.4 Length of term of the service
FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the web site operation. When reasonably possible, FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES will give advance notice about any interruptions in the operation of the web site. FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES does not guarantee the use of the web site to carry out any specific activity or its infallibility.
Access to the web site of FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES is given for an unlimited length of time. The Foundation however reserves the right to suspend access, without prior notice, to Users who, in its opinion, infringe the rules of use of its web page, being able to exercise the suitable legal measures. It furthermore reserves the right to restrict access to certain sections of its web to the general public, restricting it only to specific users or user groups by issuing an access password that shall be the responsibility of the users.
2.- Disclaimer
FUNDACIÓN RAMON ARECES does not guarantee and will assume no responsibility for possible errors in the operation and/or contents of the web.
FUNDACIÓN RAMON ARECES disclaims responsibility for any contingent damages of any nature arising from:
- 2.1 The interruption in the operation or lack of availability of access to the web page.
- 2.2 Privacy and security in the use of the web page by Users and/or non-permitted access by non-authorised third parties.
- 2.3 Any contingent transmission of elements that may negatively affect the electronic systems.
- 2.4 The precision, exhaustiveness and punctual updating of the contents of its Web page.
3. Use of cookies
FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES may use cookies to facilitate navigation in its web page and to know the Users' preferences, always permitting their recognition. Users may however configure their equipment to accept or not accept the cookies they receive.
4. Personal data protection
FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES undertakes to comply with current law on personal data protection contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Organic Law 3/2018, and other rules that complement and implement them.
The personal data supplied by Users in the forms they complete will be automatically processed and included by FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES, adopting the security measures required in valid law to guarantee their confidentiality.
These personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in the corresponding data collection form.
FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES will not communicate or cede these personal data to any third party and will handle them with the suitable confidentiality.
Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation and portability as set out in the Law on Personal Data Protection, at FUNDACIÓN RAMÓN ARECES, calle Vitruvio, nº 5, Madrid 28006.
5. Applicable law and jurisdiction
The service provision will be ruled by the Laws of Spain. The competent courts will be the Courts of Madrid, to which the User expressly submits.
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