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Research centres : Universidad Pompeu Fabra-PRBB. Barcelona.

Berta Alsina Español

She holds an honours degree in Science from the Autonomous University, Barcelona (1989-1994), and wrote her doctoral thesis in the Genetics Department of the University of Barcelona (1995-1999).

During her first postdoctoral stay at UCLA (the laboratory of Dr. Cohen-Cory, 1999-2001) she analysed the role of synaptogenesis in Xenopus, and her work was published in Nature Neuroscience. She then joined the Developmental Biology laboratory in the Pompeu Fabra University, directed by Dr. Giráldez, to study the development of the ear.

In 2003 she obtained a Ramón y Cajal contract (2003-2008), and is currently Tenured Professor in Pompeu Fabra University. As Principal Investigator, she is the author of widely cited papers and is the Principal Investigator of several projects, the editor of PLoS ONE, director of three theses, the organiser of several international conferences and a speaker at congresses on her speciality. The lines of research she directs centre on the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of the formation of different neurosensory lineages based on their otic progenitors.

In the laboratory basic questions of developmental biology are studied, such as the temporal and spatial control of cell differentiation, cell signalling, the regeneration of ciliated cells and the genomic control of activation of genes by means of epigenetic changes and cis-regulatory elements.

Scientific production

  • Papers at international conferences: 4

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