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Family, culture and gender
Social Sciences Conference Jueves, 06 de junio de 2024, 19:00 horas Madrid
Información General:
Sede: Fundación Ramón Areces - salón de actos. Calle Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid.
Asistencia gratuita hasta completar aforo. Necesaria inscripción online previa.Interpretación simultánea.
Organized by:
Fundación Ramón Areces
In cooperation with:
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
Familia, cultura y género (ESP)
Familia, cultura y género (ING)
- Description
- Programme
- Speaker/s
The family is the oldest human institution. It is central economically not only because it has historically been a locus of production and distribution, but also because it is the main transmitter of the social beliefs which in turn affect economic behavior. Thus, understanding a wide range of economic outcomes requires understanding how the family is organized, its cultural beliefs, and how these shape actions and choices. In particular, the family’s cultural beliefs regarding women’s role and various cultural institutions that vary by gender (e.g. bride price) has been a critical determinant of how women fare and affected key economic outcomes, from sex ratios to women’s labor force participation. Culture can change, however, as we show here in examples ranging from how the introduction of social security affected the practice of patrilocality and matrilocality to how political activism affected the acceptability of same-sex relationships.
"La Fundación Ramón Areces no se hace responsable de las opiniones, comentarios o manifestaciones realizadas por las personas que participan en sus actividades"
Jueves, 06 de junio
18:30 h.
Registro de asistentes
19:00 h.
Bienvenida y presentación
Daniel Santín
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
19:10 h.
Familia, cultura y género
Raquel Fernández
New York University
19:55 h.
Preguntas del público
Modera: Matilde P. Machado
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Raquel Fernández
Raquel Fernández holds a Silver Professorship in the Department of Economics at NYU. She is a member of the NBER, the CEPR, IZA, BREAD, and of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group. She has previously been a tenured professor at the London School of Economics, Boston University, and Oslo University. She was awarded the Carlos Diaz Alejandro Prize in 2024 and is a fellow of the Econometric Society and the recipient of numerous National Science Foundation grants. She has served as the Director of the Public Policy Program of the CEPR, as Vice President of the American Economic Association, and as President of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA). She is the Founding Director of WELAC (Women Economists in LAC) -- a standing subcommittee of LACEA that monitors and advances the status of women in the economics profession. She is co-director of the NBER’s Inequality and the Macroeconomy group and a member of the advisory and scientific committees of various institutions including the International Economics Association, the Barcelona School of Economics, UNU-WIDER, UBS Zurich, and RIDGE. Fernández has broad research interests that span sovereign debt, culture and economics, development and gender issues, macroeconomics and inequality, and political economy. She is a leading pioneer in the area of culture and economics and has published extensively in the major journals.
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