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Gender Gaps over the Life-Cycle in Spain
Social Sciences Conference May 26, 2016 Madrid
General information
Venue: Aula Magna. IE Business School María de Molina, 11, Madrid
Simultaneous translation
Organized by:
Fundación Ramón Areces
In cooperation with:
COSME (Committee of the Spanish Economic Association)
Sara de la RicaUniversity of the Basque Country and FEDEA
- Programme
- Description
Thursday, 26
Sara de la Rica
University of the Basque Country and FEDEA.
- Activities related
- Projects related
- News related
- Publications related
- Thesis related
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Coloquio online 90 seconds to Midnight: Are we really on the edge of a new cold war, or worse? online, Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 19:00 hours
- Allocation of resources and decision-making within the household: implications on individual wellbeing measured through self-reporting health levels 2015 Senior Researcher : María Teresa Blázquez Cuesta Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
- Dependency of the elderly in Europe: consequences of reforms on family care 2015 Senior Researcher : Matthias Kredler Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
- The sustainability of pensions from a demographic perspective: the increase of the female labor activity and the improvement of the relation contributors/pensioners 2016 Senior Researcher : Elisenda Rentería Pérez Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
- Multigenerational Inequality in Spain Senior Researcher : Andrea Pîzzo Research Centre or Institution : Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
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