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Emilio Palomares (Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química-CERCA-BIST)

La transición energética: del fotón al hidrógeno renovable para descarbonizar la industria

Life and Matter Sciences Conference Thursday, 2 March 2023, 18:30 hours Madrid

General information:

Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces - salón de actos. Calle Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid.

Free admission. Necessary previous online registration. Limited capacity.

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Sin duda alguna el reto más importante que tiene la humanidad es frenar el cambio climático debido a las emisiones antropogénicas de CO2 que alteran la salud del planeta que Carl Sagan definió como: “el pálido punto azul”. La descarbonización de la industria y el sector de la movilidad será clave. También resultará indispensable desplegar de forma masiva las tecnologías que permiten la generación de energía eléctrica renovable: energía solar y energía eléctrica.  El hidrógeno renovable, generado a partir de la hidrólisis del agua o del amoníaco con electricidad renovable será un vector indispensable en la transición ecológica. Avances hacia nuevos materiales que permitan aumentar la eficiencia de los hidrolizadores, su resistencia y bajar el coste de los módulos fotovoltaicos permitiendo costes económicos por debajo de las tasas a las emisiones de CO2 son objetivos científico-tecnológicos a 10 años que España debe afrontar.

Thursday,  2 March

18:00 h.

Attendees check-ins

18:30 h.


Avelino Corma
Consejo Científico. Fundación Ramón Areces.

18:40 h.

La transición energética: del fotón al hidrógeno renovable para descarbonizar la industria

Emilio Palomares
Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química-CERCA-BIST.


  Emilio Palomares

Emilio Palomares (València, 1974). He studied Biology at the UVEG (1997). After graduating he joined Prof. Hermenegildo García's group at the UPV/ITQ-CSIC where he got his PhD (2001). In 2001 he was awarded a "Marie Curie" Fellowship ICL (London, UK). There he began his work with molecular devices for energy conversion, under the direction of Prof. James R. Durrant. In 2004 Emilio got a "Ramón y Cajal" Fellowship at the ICMol-UVEG. In April 2006 he took a position at ICIQ-CERCA-BIST. In 2009 he was awarded an ERC starting grant to work on quantum dots for energy conversion devices and an ERC PoC in 2015. Moreover, in 2009 he was also awarded with an ICREA research Professorship.

In 2006, Prof. Palomares got the Young Chemist Award by the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry and in 2010, the INNOVA 2010 Award by the SusChem Spanish Association. In 2019 he has been awarded with Energy & Environmental Solutions International Chair (E2S) by the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA). Later in 2020, September, he has been elected ICIQ Director. Prof. Palomares has co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers in molecular solar cells including Dye Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells and Perovskite Solar Cells. He is a member of the selection committee of some of the most prestigious research grants (ERC, AEI, US-Israel binational science foundation...).

His research group has expertise in the synthesis of materials and molecules with optical and electrical properties, as well as the characterization of interfacial charge transfer reactions in complete devices. Nowadays, of particular interest for the group is to study the interfacial charge transfer reactions versus device efficiency in solar cells to power electrochemical fuel cells for H2 production from water or ammonia electrolysis and CO2 reduction.



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