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Quantum computers: How, when and for what
Life and Matter Sciences Conference Thursday, September 26, 2019, 19:30 hours Madrid
General information:
Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces . Calle Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid.
Free admission. Necessary previous online registration. Limited capacity.
Organized by:
Fundación Ramón Areces
In cooperation with:
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales y Real Sociedad Española de Física
Juan Ignacio Cirac Interview
Juan Ignacio Cirac's full lecture
- Description
- Programme
The discovery of Quantum Physics gave rise to one of the greatest scientific and technological revolutions that humanity has experienced. Lasers, semiconductors, or nuclear power plants are examples of the applications of this theory. In recent years we are experiencing a second "quantum revolution", where the most extraordinary phenomena of Quantum Physics, which until recently had not been confirmed, can be exploited to give rise to new technologies. In particular, new ways of processing information are currently emerging that promise to make a qualitative leap in the calculation capacity of "supercomputers." In fact, today there is a great international effort to build these quantum computers. However, this requires several technological challenges. In this conference, Juan Ignacio Cirac will explain what the power of quantum computers is based on and how useful it will be and will review the current situation and prospects for moving from small prototypes to large facilities.
Thursday, September 26
19:00 h.
Attendee check-in
19:30 h.
Manuel Aguilar Benítez de Lugo
Miembro del Consejo Científico de la Fundación Ramón Areces.
Quantum computers: How, when and for what
Juan Ignacio Cirac
Director de la División de Teoría, Instituto Max Planck de Óptica Cuántica, Garching, Alemania.
Juan Ignacio Cirac graduated in Fundamental Physics at the Complutense University of Madrid in 1988 and obtained a doctorate in 1991. Full professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha from 1991 to 1996, during which he spent long stays at the University of Colorado and Harvard University. Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) from 1996 to 2001. Member of the Max Planck Society since 2001, since that same year he is director of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Garching, Germany). In 2002 he was appointed honorary professor of the Technical University of Munich. Expert in quantum computing and its applications in the field of information, his line of research focuses on the quantum theory of information. According to his theories, the quantum computer will revolutionize the world of information, and more effective communication and greater security in the processing and transmission of data will be possible.
In addition, he is a member of the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences, corresponding to the Austrian, Zaragoza and Barcelona Academy of Sciences, as well as a member of the American Physical Society. His work has been the subject of numerous awards, including the Felix Kuschenitz Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in 2001, the Quantum Electronics of the European Physics Foundation in 2005, Premio Príncipe de Asturias for Scientific and Technical Research in 2006, the Blas Cabrera National Research Award in 2007, the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge and Culture in Basic Sciences Award 2008, the Franklin Medal in 2010, the Niels Bohr Medal 2013, the Wolf Award in 2013, the Theoretical Physics Award of the City of Hamburg in 2015 and, recently, the Max Planck Medal of the German Physics Society, as well as the Micius Prize for Quantum Computing of the China Foundation that bears that name. He is Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities of Castilla-La Mancha, Politécnica de Barcelona, Zaragoza, Valencia, Politécnica de Valencia, European of Madrid and Buenos Aires.
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