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7Th NCID Research Workshop

Social Sciences May 18, 2018 Madrid

General information

Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces, C/ Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid

Organized by:

Fundación Ramón Areces

In cooperation with:

Navarra Center fon International Development (NCID) ICS. Universidad de Navarra

  • Description
  • Programme

The Great Financial Crisis has profoundly shaken the way most economists and policymakers see economic fluctuations, macroeconomic policy and their impact for long-run growth. In this context, a deep rethinking of monetary, fiscal, and financial policy is needed. To this end, NCID's Research Workshop will bring together academic experts and policymakers to discuss today's challenges for developing and emerging market economies: destabilizing financial fluctuations, protectionism waves, stagnant productivity, increasing debt and inequality, among others. The sessions will provide a forum for the discussion of cutting-edge research on theoretical and empirical macroeconomic issues that are relevant to emerging markets and developing economies.

Friday, 18




Keynote Address

Multiple Equilibria in Open Economy Models with Collateral Constraints: Overborrowing Revisited

Martin Uribe
Columbia University.


Borrowing and Externalities: Theory, Empirics and Policy

On Regional Borrowing, Default, and Migration

Pablo Guerrón-Quintana
Boston College.




External Flows and Small Open Economy Dynamics

Business Relationships, Bargaining and Trade Dynamics

Mirko Abbritti
Universidad de Navarra.

Foreign Reserve Management

Javier Bianchi
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.




Finance and Inequality

Financial Frictions and the Wealth Distributions

Jesus Fernández-Villaverde
University of Pennsylvania.

Inclusive Financial Globalization?

Jonathan D. Ostry
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).

Financial Access Under the Microscope

Camelia Minoiu
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI).

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