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Summer Course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. III “Julio Palacios” International Symposium
Life and Matter Sciences International Symposium Thursday and Friday, 21 and 22 July, 2022, 10:00 hours A Coruña
General information:
Venue: Sala Leonardo – Museo Domus. Dirección: R. Ángel Rebollo, 91, 15002. A Coruña.
Free admission. Necessary previous online registration. Limited capacity.
Organized by:
Fundación Ramón Areces, Cátedra Julio Palacios (CSIC) and Universidade da Coruña
In cooperation with:
Museos Científicos Coruñeses y Conselleria de Cultura, Educacion and Universidades (Xunta de Galicia)
Josep Mª Oliva-EnrichInstituto de Química-Física “Rocasolano”, CSIC.
Juan Arturo Santaballa LópezUniversidade da Coruña
Moisés Canle LópezUniversidade da Coruña.
- Description
- Programme
- Speaker/s
We introduce a new activity of the Julio Palacios Chair (CSIC). The Third “Julio Palacios” International Symposium is oriented as a Summer Course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Since the publication of K. Eric Drexler's book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology in 1986 and especially at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, we are witnessing a vertiginous development concerning the so-called nanoscopic dimension: a nanometer (10-9 meters) is one millionth of a millimeter, or one thousandth of a micron. The diameter of a cell is of the order of 10 microns, which is equivalent to 10,000 nanometers; in a dihydrogen molecule H-H the distance between the hydrogen atoms is 0.074 nanometers! In other words, the foundations of nanoscience and nanotechnology are established in the control and prediction of the dynamics of systems that range from one nanometer (atom-molecule) to thousands of nanometers (cell).
It is within these dimensions where very interesting things take place from a scientific and technological point of view. Without any doubt, we are direct witnesses of the Nano Revolution that began at the end of the 20th century, with scientific and technological aspects that were unthinkable a few decades ago. Original and innovative research fields such as drug biotransport, the interpretation of biomedical images or the food of the future, materials science with the design of solar cells, the preservation of the environment with the conversion of CO2 into sustainable agents, as well as the use of water resources in a sustainable way, and molecular modeling are just a few examples of the multiple scientific and technological disciplines of this Nano Revolution, the basis of the III Julio Palacios International Symposium: Summer Course in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Thursday, 21 July
10:00 h.
10:30 h.
Opening conference: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: pharmacological nanocarriers
María Vallet
Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
11:30 h.
12:00 h.
Engineered nanomaterials for biomedical imaging and cancer therapy
Gerard Tobias
12:45 h.
Nanotechnology for a safe and sustainable use of water resources
Begoña Espiña
INL, Portugal.
13:30 h.
15:00 h.
Multifunctional materials for solar fuels production by artificial photosynthesis
Victor A. de la Peña
15:45 h.
Nanoscience and nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary world
Marina Delgado
16:30 h.
17:00 h.
Anions (or cations) brought together by non-covalent interactions
Ibon Alkorta
Friday, 22 July
10:00 h.
Curiosities in the universe of the very small
Vicente Moret
University of A Coruña.
10:45 h.
Enhancing organic solar cell efficiency: computer simulations of materials properties
Remco Havenith
University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
11:30 h.
12:00 h.
Facing health, ageing and digitalization in the future food system
Lorenzo Pastrana
INL, Portugal.
12:45 h.
Nanostructured systems for solid-state cooling
Socorro Castro
University of A Coruña.
13:30 h.
Ibon Alkorta
Ibon Alkorta started his chemistry studies in the University of the Basque Country and finished them in the Autonoma University of Madrid. He made his PhD at the Instituto de Química Médica (CSIC) and spent two years at the Molecular Research Institute (Palo Alto, California) as a Post-Doc. He returned to the Instituto de Química Médica where he is now Full Professor. His main interests are the theoretical study of weak interactions (hydrogen bonds, halogen bonds, etc) and has published over 800 articles in international journals.
Socorro Castro
Socorro Castro is University Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of A Coruña (UDC). Since her doctoral studies on magnetic materials at the University of Santiago de Compostela, she continued research and development of functional materials. During her postdoctoral stage at the Paris VI University (France), she focused on the preparation, characterization and study of materials with electrical (ionic conductors) and optical properties for lithium battery cathodes and for electrochromic devices, in the groups of Prof. Jacques Livage (sol-gel synthesis) and Prof. Christian Julien (lithium batteries). After joining the Solid State Chemistry group in the University of A Coruña, led by María Antonia Señarís Rodríguez, she continues with the research on functional materials, including oxides, organic-inorganic hybrids, in bulk and/or nanoparticles, with electrical, magnetic, optical, magnetoresistive, dielectric, magnetoelectric, multiferroic, and more recently, barocaloric properties. Her research activity is recognized with an h = 25 index. She has participated in more than 24 interdisciplinary research projects, co-inventor of 1 patent on dielectric materials (national), 3 patents on caloric materials: 1 national (UDC), later extended to 39 European countries and the United States, 1 patent in collaboration with the University of Cambridge and 1 patent (in writing) on a barocaloric device. She has been selected among the Finalists of the RSC Emerging Technologies Competition 2020 of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2020, category "Energy and Environment", the Ernesto Viéitiez Cortizo Award (2017) of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences , and among the Spin-Off Finalists. Gal (2020), among other awards. Socorro Castro periodically works as a visiting researcher in other international laboratories (University Paris VI-France, Univ. Diderot-Paris VII-France; Univ. of Berkeley-United States, European Synchroton Radiation Facility-Grenoble-France, Institute Laue Langevin-Neutrons for Science-Grenoble-France, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs-Paris-France). Currently she is the local coordinator (at the Universidade da Coruña) of the Interuniversity Doctorate Program (USC-UVigo-UDC) in Nanomedicine.
Marina Delgado
Marina Delgado-Tellez is Associate Professor at the Politechnical University of Madrid in the Departament of Applied Mathematics since 2012. She graduated in Fundamental Physics by the Complutense University of Madrid and obtained her Ph. D. in Applied Mathematics in 2004 at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Her research is mainly focused on Optimal Control Theory from a geometrical point of view and has worked in singular systems and developed some numerical algorithms for singular optimal control problems. She teaches on different mathematical subjects such as Mathematical Fundamentals, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Operative Investigation. She has also taught for several years on Biology, Physics, and Introduction to Technology for the access course to university for people over 25 years old given by the Universidad Nacional a Distancia.
Begoña Espiña
Begoña Espiña is Leader of the Water Quality Research Group within the Department of Life Sciences at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). Her research is focused on developing portable and remote biosensors and devices based on nanomaterials for the selective capture of water chemical contaminants as well as developing methods for nanomaterials, bioaccumulation and toxicity with special emphasis on implementing the safety-by-design concept. Begoña Espiña holds both Bachelor and PhD degrees in Biology by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain. During her PhD she focused on the study of biotoxins’ toxicity as well as in the development of biologically-based sensitive and accurate detection methods for them. Afterwards, she was granted with an Isabel Barreto contract and spent two years in the Department of Pharmacology of USC as a researcher involved in the technical development and management tasks for two trans-national projects from the Atlantic Area Operational Programme: Advanced Tests about New Toxins Appeared in the Atlantic Area (ATLANTOX) and Knowledge Transfer Network for Prevention of Mental Diseases and Cancer in the Atlantic Area (PHARMATLANTIC).
Remco Havenith
Remco W. A. Havenith is Professor at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and Guest Professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium). His research is focused on electronic structure of matter from a theoretical point of view and development of methodologies for solving the electron correlation problem, and scientific software for the calculation of molecular properties, including induced current densities. In the application area, his research focuses on theoretical and electronic structure problems in organic and organometallic chemistry, with the study of potential energy surfaces, molecular properties and spectra. He also works on organic photovoltaics.
Vicente Moret
Vicente Moret is Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of A Coruña. He has a degree in chemistry and PhD in physics, with a postdoctoral stage at the University of Georgia (USA). He has more than 35 years of experience in teaching, research, management and technology transfer. Author of more than 160 high-impact scientific publications and 4 scientific books, one of which was considered by Forbes, CNN and BookAuthority among the 16 best quantum computing books of all time. Director of 12 doctoral theses, 4 Master's Thesis and 31 degree thesis. He has been deputy vice-rector for research, director of general research support services and acting director of the research results transfer office at the University of A Coruña. He is director of the symbolic artificial intelligence and quantum computing area of LIDIA-UDC, researcher of the competitive reference group of LIDIA-UDC and researcher of excellence (Xunta de Galicia). In 1990 he received the "Award of Merit for Significant Contribution in the Field or Clinical Engineering", an award that was granted by the Quest Publishing Company of California, USA.
Lorenzo Pastrana
Lorenzo Pastrana is currently Chair of the Research Office (Scientific Directorate) and Group Leader of the Food Processing Group, at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL). He is also Professor of Food Science at the University of Vigo and visiting Professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) and the Universidades Federal Rural de Pernambuco and Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil). He was the Director of the Centre of Research transference and Innovation (CITI) and Head of Knowledge Transfer Office (2009-2010) at the University of Vigo. He founded the Galician Agri-Food Technology Platform (2006) engaging academic institutions and companies to pave the clusterization of the sector. Currently, he takes part of the scientific board of the Portugal Foods innovation cluster. In 2015 he joins the INL as Head of the Department of Life Sciences that included three Research Units, namely Food, Environment and Health. At INL his research is marked oriented with a multidisciplinary approach integrating methods and concepts of the biotechnology, nanotechnology and mathematical modelling. Currently he is working in three main research lines: Food Structure with emphasis in 3D printing materials, encapsulation technologies for improving functional foods and food personalization and active and intelligent food packaging. He is author of more than 200 scientific contributions and 4 licenced patents relating the development of new food products and process. He was the PI of more than 30 National and European research projects and contracts and founder of the startup Suevia Foods for replacing TiO2 in foodstuffs.
Víctor A. de la Peña
Víctor A. de la Peña got his master degree in physical chemistry from Autonomous Univeristy of Madrid and his PhD at Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemical (CSIC). Since 2009, he is developing his scientific career at the IMDEA Energy Institute. His research interest is focused on different aspects of Energy production and storage technologies: 1) Design and synthesis of multifunctional materials, 2) Advanced in-operando characterization combined with theoretical calculations, and 3) Construction of automatized reactors form lab to pilot plant scale. He is coordinator of the Spanish Solar Fuels Network, President of the Energy and sustainability group of RSEQ, Vice-president of the Spanish CO2 Technology Platform, Editorial Board of the journals Advanced Energy and sustainability research (Willey), among others. Co-author of more than 130 publications (h = 40), 5 book chapters, 4 patents. Besides, he has participated in more than 25 research projects including: ERC-CoG, ERC-PoC, FET-Proact, Fundación Ramón Areces and CSA Flagship, as well as several technological transfer contracts with worldwide companies.
Gerard Tobias
Gerard Tobias is Research Scientist (CSIC) at the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB). At ICMAB he leads research on “Nanoengineering of Carbon and Inorganic Materials (NanoCIM)”; He holds a degree in Chemistry and PhD in Materials Science. He has performed research stays at Ames Laboratory (USA) and EMAT (Belgium), and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford. Dr. Tobias has been involved in several research projects both at national and international level with research centres and industries. He was the coordinator of the ITN project RADDEL and is currently leading the ERC Consolidator grant NEST (725743).
María Vallet
María Vallet-Regí, researcher and Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. Manager of the Intelligent Biomaterials Research Group (UCM and CIBER-BBN). Her publications (more than 800 peer-reviewed papers) have been cited more than 54,900 times and her h-index is 109 (Google Scholar). Recipient of prestigious international and national awards, member of the Spanish Royal Academies of Pharmacy (RANF) and Engineering (RAI), International College of Fellows of Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE), and American Institute for Biomedical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE).
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