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Science with 8-10m telescopes in the era of ELTs and the JWST
Life and Matter Sciences
Books 2010

W. S. Smith
B. Leibundgut
J. Nelson
T. Armandroff
J. R. Roy
M. Iye
T. Henning
P. Charles
A. Serrano
A. Tyson
J. Franco
M. Greenhouse
A. Giménez
P. Álvares
A. Herrero
A number of 8-10m class telescopes are now in operation, the latest of which, the GTC, is starting to produce scientific data on a routine basis. Meanwhile, the next generation of large telescope is now on the drawing boards in Europe and the USA. Also the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the successor to the Hubble Space telescope, is due to be launched in 2014.
With this panorama in mind, the GTC inauguration in July 2009 offered an ideal occasion for confronting ideas on the future of the large telescopes. An elite group of influential astronomers gathered together to discuss the above points as well as present their views on the future trends of astronomy that will be allowed by the current and the extremely large future facilities. Their views and the results of the discussions held in La Palma on 25 & 26 July 2009 have now been published by the Ramon Areces Foundation.
The edition
- Coordinator: Campbell Warden
- Scientific Organizing Commitee: Francisco Sánchez Martínez, José Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa and Rafael Rebolo López
- Several authors: W. S. Smith, B. Leibundgut, J. Nelson, T. Armandroff, J. R. Roy, M. Iye, T. Henning, P. Charles, A. Serrano, A. Tyson, J. Franco, M. Greenhouse, A. Giménez, P. Álvares, y A. Herrero
- Prologue: Francisco Sánchez Martínez
- Edition: In cooperation with the Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias. 2010
- No. pages: 255
- Binding: 17x24. Paperback
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