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Milagros Nores

Economics of Investing in Early Childhood

Social Sciences Conference December 4th, 2018 Madrid

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Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces, C/ Vitruvio, 5. 28006. Madrid

  • Limited capacity
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Fundación Ramón Areces

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  • Description
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The growing adoption of early childhood interventions derives from an increasing understanding that early developmen¬tal gains in the early years contribute substantially to later educational, social, and economic outcomes. Early childhood programs have shown that they can have important medium-and long-term effects on school progress, that is, achievement, reducing repetition, reducing placement in remedial or special education, and increasing school outcomes and educational attainment. Increased school readiness and social development set the stage for improvements later on. That is, it reduces the chances that a child will repeat grades, need remedial education, require special services or end up dropping it.

The Abecedarian, Perry, Chicago and Bolivia studies have indicated long term effects on grad¬uation rates, earnings, reduced crime, and improved quality of life, health-related behavioural changes, and teenage pregnancy. Evaluations of the cost-effectiveness of programs having followed children into adulthood have showed rates of return between 3 and 16 dollars per dollar invested. Benefits on children have brought with them benefits to schools and society, such as reduced costs of schooling and social services, reduced costs of crime and criminal justice and policing, reduced health care costs, and increased tax revenue. The evidence points to early childhood as a strong public investment opportunity.

Tuesday, 4


Economics of Investing in Early Childhood

Milagros Nores
National Institute for Early Education (NIEER). United States.

Milagros Nores, Ph.D., is Co-Director for Research at the National Institute for Early Education Research, NIEER. Her expertise and interests are in early childhood development, data-driven policy development, research evaluation, economics and cost-effectiveness of ECD. Dr. Nores has significant experience in program evaluation in ECD in the U.S. as well as global contexts. She has a Ph.D. in Education and Economics from Columbia University and an Ed.M. in Educational Administration and Social Policy from Harvard University.

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