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XVI International Accounting Research Symposium. Current Trends in Accounting Research

Social Sciences International Symposium November 22 - 30, 2021 online

General information:

The symposium will be online through the link that will be given to the participants, on the days: 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30 November, 2021, in the afternoon. See the program.

You can register here: https://indem.uc3m.es/en/workshop/d/37/xvi-international-accounting-research-symposium

Or writting to this e-mail: conference_business@uc3m.es

Deadline to register: 15 November, 2021.

In cooperation with:

Cátedra UAM-Auditores Madrid de Información Financiera Corporativa y Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Leandro Cañibano y Beatriz García Osma

  • Description
  • Programme

The Symposium is addressed to PhD students, early-stage faculty and researchers in Accounting and Finance. It represents a unique opportunity to attend lectures by expert faculty, and also, to interact with colleagues and receive feedback both on developed (papers) and developing projects (early-stage ideas).

Presentations by participants

Participants are invited to present their papers or ideas, particularly, on topics linked to the areas discussed by the Faculty. All participants are thus encouraged to submit their own research for presentation at the symposium. Papers linked to the areas discussed by the speakers and by early-stage researchers will be given preference. There will be, after each presentation, sessions dedicated to participants’ presentations, chaired by the professor leading the session, jointly with Prof. Beatriz García Osma. These sessions will be attended by diverse Faculty from the Symposium as well as from both UAM and UC3M.  

Registration and Fees

Registration is free of charge and open until November 15, 2021.

You can register here: https://indem.uc3m.es/en/workshop/d/37/xvi-international-accounting-research-symposium

Or writting to this e-mail: conference_business@uc3m.es

Monday, 22 November


Welcome address

14:00 - 17:00

Where management accounting meets other areas of accounting

Eva Labro  
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Participant presentations
Developing projects

Wednesday, 24 November

13:00 - 16:00

Research relevant to a CSR reporting mandate

Hans B. Christensen 
University of Chicago. 

Participant presentations
Developing projects

Thursday, 25 November

13:00 - 16:00

Latest Trends in Debt Accounting Research

Florin Vasvari  
London Business School.

Participant presentations
Developing projects

Monday, 29 November

14:00 - 17:00

Current Work in Taxation

Jennifer Blouin 
Wharton Business School.  

Participant presentations
Developing projects

Tuesday, 30 November

14:00 - 15:30

Editorial Panel: Suggestions and Advice on Managing the Publication Process

W. Robert Knechel  
Senior Editor, The Accounting Review

Participant Q&A with panelists

15:30 - 16:00

Conclusions and closing session

Leandro Cañibano  
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 

  • Activities related
  • Projects related
  • News related
  • Publications related
  • Thesis related

see all

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